Title: | An Extended Mixed-Effects Framework for Meta-Analysis |
Description: | A collection of functions to perform various meta-analytical models through a unified mixed-effects framework, including standard univariate fixed and random-effects meta-analysis and meta-regression, and non-standard extensions such as multivariate, multilevel, longitudinal, and dose-response models. |
Authors: | Antonio Gasparrini [aut, cre], Francesco Sera [aut] |
Maintainer: | Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>=2) |
Version: | 1.2.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-20 02:58:51 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/gasparrini/mixmeta |
The package mixmeta consists of a collection of functions to perform various meta-analytical models in R through a unified mixed-effects framework, including standard univariate fixed and random-effects meta-analysis and meta-regression, and non-standard extensions such as multivariate, multilevel, longitudinal, and dose-response models.
Standard applications of meta-analysis amount to the pooling of estimates of a single effect size, here defined generally as outcome, collected as unique observations in a set of independent studies, together with a measure of uncertainty (usually standard errors). Fixed-effects models do not assume heterogeneity across studies, and the estimates are conditional on the set of studies collected in the meta-analysis. Random-effects meta-analysis, instead, allows a degree of heterogeneity among studies, assuming the (true but unobserved) study-specific outcomes as randomly sampled from a (usually hypothetical) population of studies. Meta-regression extends both fixed and random-effects methods by allowing the pooled outcome to depend on study-level meta-predictors.
However, this traditional setting can be limited for many modern applications of meta-analysis. For instance, studies can provide estimates of different outcomes. Alternatively, studies can collect multiple estimates of the same outcome, either longitudinally or referring to different groups or levels of a continuous variable. Similarly, studies can be clustered, or being characterized by a hierarchical structure (i.e., by country). In all these instances, the key assumption of independence across estimates is not met, and basic models must be extended to consider potentially complex correlation structures within and between studies. This leads to extension to multivariate, multilevel, longitudinal, or dose-response models for meta-analysis, among others.
A unified modelling framework can be defined by casting the meta-analytical problem as a linear mixed model. In general terms, we assume that there is a set of observations of
different outcomes, representing units of analysis aggregated in
groups that are considered independent. An extended random-effects meta-regression model for the
outcomes in group
can be generally written as:
Here, defines the fixed effects that represent the population-averaged outcomes in terms of
unit-level predictors in the design matrix
with fixed-effects coefficients
. The random part of the model
describes the deviation from the population averages in terms of
unit-level predictors in the design matrix
and random-effects coefficients
. The marginal (co)variance matrix
is given by the sum of within (assumed known) and between-group contributions, defined by (co)variance matrices
, respectively.
All the models mentioned above, and other extensions, can be described as special cases of this unified framework. Specifically, in the standard random-effects univariate meta-analysis or meta-regression, each group represents a study with a single observation (), where
), and
are scalars. In fixed-effects models,
do not exist. In multivariate models, the
represents the different outcomes from study
is Kronecker-expanded to
, and
matrices representing within and between-study correlations among outcomes, respectively. In multilevel models, where additional inner levels of grouping exist within each of the
outer-level groups,
is the sum of level-specific meta-predictors, while
have a block-diagonal and column-binded (and expanded) forms, respectively, with each part referring to a different level. In longitudinal and dose-response models, repeated measures are accomodated in a similar way through random-effects grouping.
The aim is to estimate the coefficients
and, for random-effects models, the components of the between-group (co)variance matrix
. The parameters for the random part depend on the number of random-effects levels, and for each of them, on the number of random-effects meta-predictors and the structure of the related part of the (co)variance matrix, with a maximum of
for single-level unstructured
Different estimators are implemented in the package mixmeta. The options available in the current version are:
Maximum likelihood (ML)
Restricted maximum likelihood (REML)
Method of moments
Variance components
The fixed-effects model is fitted through generalized least squares (GLS), assuming the (co)variance structure, composed by the within-study errors only, as completely known. Likelihood-based random-effects estimators, ML and REML, represent the most comprehensive implementation of the modelling framework, and allow the specification all the various models described in the previous section through a flexible definition of the random-effects structure. They rely on two alternative iterative optimization procedures, based on Newton-type and (restricted) iterative generalized least squares (IGLS and RIGLS) algorithms, respectively. Estimators based on semiparametric alternatives such as the non-iterative method of moments or the iterative variance components are also included, although they are only available for models with a basic random-effects structure. Further details on estimation methods are given in the related help pages.
The main function in the package is mixmeta
, which performs the various models illustrated above. This function resembles standard regression functions in R, and specifies the model through regression formulae for fixed and random-effects (see mixmetaFormula
). The function returns a list object of class "mixmeta"
(see mixmetaObject
The estimation is carried out internally through mixmeta.fit
, a wrapper which accepts data in a specific format, then prepares the various data components and calls ad hoc estimation functions for fitting the models. Specifically, mixmeta.fixed
is applied for fixed-effects models, while estimators for random-effects models are implemented in the functions mixmeta.ml
and mixmeta.reml
for (restricted) maximum likelihood, mixmeta.mm
for the method of moments, and mixmeta.vc
for variance components. For likelihood-based methods, alternative iterative optimizations methods are provided in two sets of functions implementing Newton-type
and (R)IGLS
algorithms used for maximizing the (restricted) likelihood. The former method applies specific likelihood functions
. Various types of likelihood-based models are defined by separate regression formulae for fixed and random-effects (see mixmetaFormula
). Specific (co)variance structures
for the between-group random effects at single or multiple levels are available. Fitting parameter options are set by mixmeta.control
Method functions are available for objects of class "mixmeta"
(see mixmetaObject
for a complete list). The method summary
produces a list of class "summary.mixmeta"
for summarizing the fit of the model and providing additional results. The method function predict
computes predicted values, optionally for a set of new values of the predictors. blup
gives the (empirical) best linear unbiased predictions for the set of studies used for estimation. Other default or specific method functions for regression can be used on objects of class "mixmeta"
, such as fitted
and residuals
, logLik
and BIC
, or drop1
and add1
, among others.
Methods for model.frame
, model.matrix
, and terms
are used to extract or construct the model frame, the design matrix, or the terms of the regression meta-analytical model, respectively. These specific methods for objects of class "mixmeta"
are needed to appropriately deal with missing values and to account for model frames that include terms for both the fixed and random parts. In particular, methods for na.omit
and na.exclude
are used to handle correctly missing values.
Simulations can be produced using the function mixmetaSim
and the method function simulate
, which return one or multiple sets of simulated outcomes for a group of studies. The function inputna
and inputcov
are used internally to augment the missing data values and to input missing correlations, respectively.
The method function qtest.mixmeta
(producing an object with class of the same name) performs the (multivariate) Cochran Q test for (residual) heterogeneity. For multivariate models, the function returns both an overall estimate and those for each single outcome. The generic method function is qtest
Printing functions for the objects of classes defined above are also provided. Other functions are used internally in the source code, and not exported in the namespace. For users interested in getting into details of the package structure, these functions can be displayed using the triple colon (':::
') operator. For instance, mixmeta:::glsfit
displays the code of the function glsfit
. Also, some comments are added in the original source code.
The package includes several datasets used for applications of the extended meta-analytical framework. The related help pages provide examples of specific models, and fully demonstrate the flexibility of the extended meta-analytical framework. In particular:
Standard meta-analysis is illustrated using the dataset bcg
, including examples of meta-regression.
Multivariate meta-analysis is performed using various datasets, including bivariate models (berkey98
, hyp
, p53
) and multivariate models with three or more outcomes (fibrinogen
and hsls
). The examples describe also how to deal with missing data or missing within-group correlations, and multivariate meta-regression.
Network meta-analysis is shown in the dataset smoking
. The examples illustrate an indirect mixed-treatment comparison including consistency and inconsistency models.
Multilevel meta-analysis is displayed in the examples of the datasets school
and thrombolytic
, and include data with multiple nested levels of grouping and/or repeated measures within each group.
Dose-response meta-analysis is illustrated in the dataset alcohol
, using the recently proposed one-stage approach.
Longitudinal meta-analysis is performed using the datasets dbs
and gliomas
. The two sets of examples present different cases using data in wide and long format, respectively.
The mixmeta package is available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), with info at the related web page (CRAN.R-project.org/package=mixmeta). A development website is available on GitHub (github.com/gasparrini/mixmeta). General information on the development and applications of this extended meta-analytical modelling framework, together with an updated version of the R scripts for running the examples in published papers, can be found in GitHub (github.com/gasparrini) or at the personal web page of the package maintainer (www.ag-myresearch.com).
The package mixmeta is an extension of the package mvmeta, previously developed to perform multivariate meta-analytical models. The latter now depends on the former, and while both are still maintained, users are encouraged to switch to mixmeta as it represents a more general and updated option. A list of changes included in the current and previous versions of mixmeta can be found by typing:
Use citation("mixmeta")
to cite this package.
This release of the package mixmeta has been tested with different simulated and real datasets. The functions generally perform well under several scenarios, and comparisons with alternative software implementations show good agreement. However, bugs and bad performance under un-tested conditions may not be excluded. Please report any error or unexpected behaviour to the e-mail address below.
The package mixmeta provides a unified modelling framework to perform standard and non-standard meta-analytical models. However, some of these can also be fitted using routines available in other R packages.
For instance, many packages such as metafor, meta, rmeta provide a more exhaustive and efficient set of methods for standard univariate meta-analysis and meta-regression, including a wide range or functions for specific plots and statistical tests.
Specific modelling extensions are also provided by other packages. For example, multivariate or multilevel models can be also be fitted using functions in metafor and metaSEM, while dose-response meta-analysis and meta-analysis of diagnostic measures can be performed using dosresmeta and mada, respectively.
See the CRAN Task View Meta-Analysis for a comprehensive illustration of methods available in various R packages.
Antonio Gasparrini and Francesco Sera
Maintainer: Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Kenward MG (2012). Multivariate meta-analysis for non-linear and other multi-parameter associations. Statistics in Medicine. 31(29):3821–3839. [Freely available here].
Pinheiro JC and Bates DM (2000). Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS. New York, Springer Verlag.
Lindstrom MJ and Bates DM (1988). Newton-Raphson and EM algorithms for linear mixed-effects models for repeated-measures data. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 83(404):1014–1022.
Goldstein H (1986). Multilevel mixed linear model analysis using iterative generalized least squares. Biometrika. 73(1):43–56.
Goldstein H (1992). Efficient computational procedures for the estimation of parameters in multilevel models based on iterative generalized least squares. Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis. 13(1):63–71.
Stram DO (1996). Meta-analysis of published data using a linear mixed-effects model. Biometrics. 52(2):536–544.
Stevens JR, Taylor AM. Hierarchical dependence in meta-analysis. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. 34(1):46–73.
Jackson D, Riley R, White IR (2011). Multivariate meta-analysis: Potential and promise. Statistics in Medicine. 30(20);2481–2498.
Goldstein H, et al (2000). Meta-analysis using multilevel models with an application to the study of class size effects. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics). 49(3):399–412.
Crippa A, et al (2019). One-stage dose-response meta-analysis for aggregated data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 28(5):1579–1596.
Ishak KJ, Platt RW, Joseph L, et al (2007). Meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Clinical Trials. 4(5):525–539.
The dataset contains the data on 8 cohort studies participating in the Pooling Project of Prospective Studies of Diet and Cancer. A total of 3,646 cases and 2,511,424 person-years were included in the analysis. Each study estimated the incidence relative rate in different categories of alcohol intake while controlling for a set of potential confounders, using non-drinkers as the reference. The categories where then converted in a dose by assigning to each the median value of individual consumptions, with studies reporting estimates at different levels in a continuous scale.
A data frame with 48 observations on the following 7 variables:
: label for each study, derived from the first author's name.
: code for study design (cohort estimating incidence rate).
: assigned dose level (gr/day of alcohol intake).
: number of cases for each dose category.
: amount of person-time for each dose category.
: estimated logarithm of the incidence relative rate.
: standard error of the estimates.
The data are stored in a long format, with each record reporting the information for each dose categories and studies including multiple records. The reference category for each study included, although the log-RR is fixed to 0 with no standard error (comparing the category with itself). The information on these reference categories is needed to compute the approximate correlations between estimates in the same study.
The data provide an example of application of dose-response meta-analysis, with repeated measurements of the effect size associated to different doses within each study. This requires a modelling structure that accounts for both within and between-study correlations of repeated measurements. The within-study correlations are usually reconstructed from published data using specific methods. Results can be compared with those reported by Crippa and Orsini (2016) and Orsini and colleagues (2012), although they are not identical: while the original analysis used a two-stage approach, the modelling framework applied here follows the more recent one-stage dose-response meta-analysis proposed by Crippa and collegues (2019).
The dataset is also available in the same format in the dataframe alcohol_crc
of the package dosresmeta.
Crippa A, et al (2019). One-stage dose-response meta-analysis for aggregated data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 28(5):1579–1596.
Crippa A, Orsini N (2016). Multivariate dose-response meta-analysis: The dosresmeta R package. Journal of Statistical Software. 72(1):1–15.
Orsini N, et al (2012). Meta-analysis for linear and nonlinear dose-response relations: examples, an evaluation of approximations, and software. American Journal of Epidemiology. 175(1):66–73.
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN CRIPPA ET AL (2016) AND ORSINI ET AL (2012) # LOAD THE PACKAGE dosresmeta AND splines library(dosresmeta) ; library(splines) # COMPUTE THE WITHIN-STUDY CORRELATIONS EXCLUDING THE REFERENCE addS <- lapply(split(alcohol, alcohol$id), function(x) covar.logrr(y=logrr, v=se^2, cases=cases, n=peryears, type=type, data=x)) sub <- subset(alcohol, !is.na(se)) # NOT ACCOUNTING FOR WITHIN-STUDY CORRELATIONS nocor <- mixmeta(logrr ~ 0 + dose, S=se^2, random= ~ 0 + dose|id, data=sub, method="ml") summary(nocor) # ACCOUNTING FOR WITHIN-STUDY CORRELATIONS lin <- mixmeta(logrr ~ 0 + dose, random= ~ 0 + dose|id, data=sub, method="ml", control=list(addSlist=addS)) summary(lin) # ALLOWING NON-LINEARITY IN BOTH FIXED AND RANDOM PARTS nonlin <- mixmeta(logrr ~ 0 + ns(dose, knots=c(10,25)), data=sub, random= ~ 0 + ns(dose, knots=c(10,25))|id, method="ml", control=list(addSlist=addS)) summary(nonlin) # SIMPLIFY THE MODEL BY ASSUMING LINEARITY IN THE RANDOM PART nonlin2 <- update(nonlin, random= ~ 0 + dose|id) summary(nonlin2) # FIXED-EFFECTS MODEL (TRICK: random TO DEFINE THE GROUPING, THEN FIX IT TO 0) nonlinfix <- mixmeta(logrr ~ 0 + ns(dose, knots=c(10,25)), random= ~ 1|id, data=sub, method="ml",bscov="fixed", control=list(addSlist=addS, Psifix=0)) summary(nonlinfix) # COMPARE THE MODELS AIC(nocor, lin, nonlin, nonlin2, nonlinfix) # PREDICT THE RR FOR 12g/day FOM TWO MODELS exp(predict(nocor, newdata=data.frame(dose=12), ci=TRUE)) exp(predict(lin, newdata=data.frame(dose=12), ci=TRUE)) # PREDICT (RECREATE SPLINES FOR EASY CODING) predlin <- exp(predict(lin, newdata=data.frame(dose=0:60), ci=TRUE)) prednonlin <- exp(predict(nonlin, newdata=data.frame(dose=0:60), ci=TRUE)) # DISPLAY THE NON-LINEAR EFFECT col1 <- do.call(rgb, c(as.list(col2rgb("blue") / 255), list(0.2))) col2 <- do.call(rgb, c(as.list(col2rgb("green") / 255), list(0.2))) plot(0:60, predlin[,1], type="l", ylim=c(0.85,1.9), ylab="RR", xlab="Alcohol intake (gr/day)", main="Dose-response") polygon(c(0:60,60:0), c(predlin[,2], rev(predlin[,3])), col=col1, border=NA) lines(0:60,prednonlin[,1], lty=5) polygon(c(0:60,60:0), c(prednonlin[,2],rev(prednonlin[,3])), col=col2, border=NA)
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN CRIPPA ET AL (2016) AND ORSINI ET AL (2012) # LOAD THE PACKAGE dosresmeta AND splines library(dosresmeta) ; library(splines) # COMPUTE THE WITHIN-STUDY CORRELATIONS EXCLUDING THE REFERENCE addS <- lapply(split(alcohol, alcohol$id), function(x) covar.logrr(y=logrr, v=se^2, cases=cases, n=peryears, type=type, data=x)) sub <- subset(alcohol, !is.na(se)) # NOT ACCOUNTING FOR WITHIN-STUDY CORRELATIONS nocor <- mixmeta(logrr ~ 0 + dose, S=se^2, random= ~ 0 + dose|id, data=sub, method="ml") summary(nocor) # ACCOUNTING FOR WITHIN-STUDY CORRELATIONS lin <- mixmeta(logrr ~ 0 + dose, random= ~ 0 + dose|id, data=sub, method="ml", control=list(addSlist=addS)) summary(lin) # ALLOWING NON-LINEARITY IN BOTH FIXED AND RANDOM PARTS nonlin <- mixmeta(logrr ~ 0 + ns(dose, knots=c(10,25)), data=sub, random= ~ 0 + ns(dose, knots=c(10,25))|id, method="ml", control=list(addSlist=addS)) summary(nonlin) # SIMPLIFY THE MODEL BY ASSUMING LINEARITY IN THE RANDOM PART nonlin2 <- update(nonlin, random= ~ 0 + dose|id) summary(nonlin2) # FIXED-EFFECTS MODEL (TRICK: random TO DEFINE THE GROUPING, THEN FIX IT TO 0) nonlinfix <- mixmeta(logrr ~ 0 + ns(dose, knots=c(10,25)), random= ~ 1|id, data=sub, method="ml",bscov="fixed", control=list(addSlist=addS, Psifix=0)) summary(nonlinfix) # COMPARE THE MODELS AIC(nocor, lin, nonlin, nonlin2, nonlinfix) # PREDICT THE RR FOR 12g/day FOM TWO MODELS exp(predict(nocor, newdata=data.frame(dose=12), ci=TRUE)) exp(predict(lin, newdata=data.frame(dose=12), ci=TRUE)) # PREDICT (RECREATE SPLINES FOR EASY CODING) predlin <- exp(predict(lin, newdata=data.frame(dose=0:60), ci=TRUE)) prednonlin <- exp(predict(nonlin, newdata=data.frame(dose=0:60), ci=TRUE)) # DISPLAY THE NON-LINEAR EFFECT col1 <- do.call(rgb, c(as.list(col2rgb("blue") / 255), list(0.2))) col2 <- do.call(rgb, c(as.list(col2rgb("green") / 255), list(0.2))) plot(0:60, predlin[,1], type="l", ylim=c(0.85,1.9), ylab="RR", xlab="Alcohol intake (gr/day)", main="Dose-response") polygon(c(0:60,60:0), c(predlin[,2], rev(predlin[,3])), col=col1, border=NA) lines(0:60,prednonlin[,1], lty=5) polygon(c(0:60,60:0), c(prednonlin[,2],rev(prednonlin[,3])), col=col2, border=NA)
The dataset contains the data on 13 prospective clinical trials that compared the rates of tubercolosis in groups vaccinated with the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine and non-vaccinated control populations. The outcome here is reported as both relative risk (RR) and odds ratio (OR), with associated uncertanty.
A data frame with 13 observations on the following 13 variables:
: sequence identifying the trial.
: label identifying the author(s).
: year of publication.
tpos, tneg
: number of positive and negative TB cases in the treated (vaccinated) group.
cpos, cneg
: number of positive and negative TB cases in the control (non-vaccinated) group.
: absolute latitude of the study location (in degrees).
: method of treatment allocation (random, alternate, or systematic assignment).
The data provide an example of application of standard univariate meta-analysis and meta-regression, with independent studies providing a single estimate of a single effect size. Interestingly, the data can be analyzed also as a multivariate meta-analysis, using a bivariate outcome where risks or odds of TB can be measured separaterly in treatment and control groups. Results can be compared with those reported van Houwelingen, Arends, and Stijnen (2002).
The dataset is also available in the same format in the dataframe dat.colditz1994
of the package metafor.
van Houwelingen HC, Arends LR, Stijnen T (2002). Advanced methods in meta-analysis: multivariate approach and meta-regression. Statistics in Medicine. 21(4):589–624.
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN VAN HOUWELINGEN ET AL (2002) # FIXED-EFFECTS META-ANALYSIS (SECTION 3.1.1) unifix <- mixmeta(logor, logorvar, data=bcg, method="fixed") print(summary(unifix), digits=3) # RANDOM-EFFECTS META-ANALYSIS WITH MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD (SECTION 3.1.2) uniran <- mixmeta(logor, logorvar, data=bcg, method="ml") print(summary(uniran), digits=3, report="var") # ORIGINAL ESTIMATES AND BEST-LINEAR UNBIASED PREDICTIONS (FIGURE 3) pred <- with(bcg, cbind(logor, logor-1.96*sqrt(logorvar), logor+1.96*sqrt(logorvar))) blup <- blup(uniran, pi=TRUE) plot(pred[,1], rev(bcg$trial)+0.2, xlim=c(-3,3), ylim=c(0,14), pch=18, axes=FALSE, xlab="Log odds ratio", ylab="Trial", main="Forest plot") axis(1) axis(2, at=bcg$trial, labels=rev(bcg$trial), lty=0, las=1) abline(v=coef(uniran)) segments(pred[,2], rev(bcg$trial)+0.2, pred[,3], rev(bcg$trial)+0.2, lty=5) points(blup[,1], rev(bcg$trial)-0.2, pch=19) segments(blup[,2], rev(bcg$trial)-0.2, blup[,3], rev(bcg$trial)-0.2) # COMPUTE THE OUTCOME SEPARATELY FOR TREATMENT AND CONTROL GROUPS y <- with(bcg, log(cbind(tpos/tneg, cpos/cneg))) S <- with(bcg, cbind(1/tpos+1/tneg, 1/cpos+1/cneg)) # BIVARIATE RANDOM-EFFECTS META-ANALYSIS (SECTION 4) mvran <- mixmeta(y, S, method="ml") print(summary(mvran), digits=3, report="var") # META-REGRESSION (SECTION 5) uniranlat <- update(uniran, .~. + ablat) print(summary(uniranlat), digits=3, report="var") drop1(uniranlat, test="Chisq")
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN VAN HOUWELINGEN ET AL (2002) # FIXED-EFFECTS META-ANALYSIS (SECTION 3.1.1) unifix <- mixmeta(logor, logorvar, data=bcg, method="fixed") print(summary(unifix), digits=3) # RANDOM-EFFECTS META-ANALYSIS WITH MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD (SECTION 3.1.2) uniran <- mixmeta(logor, logorvar, data=bcg, method="ml") print(summary(uniran), digits=3, report="var") # ORIGINAL ESTIMATES AND BEST-LINEAR UNBIASED PREDICTIONS (FIGURE 3) pred <- with(bcg, cbind(logor, logor-1.96*sqrt(logorvar), logor+1.96*sqrt(logorvar))) blup <- blup(uniran, pi=TRUE) plot(pred[,1], rev(bcg$trial)+0.2, xlim=c(-3,3), ylim=c(0,14), pch=18, axes=FALSE, xlab="Log odds ratio", ylab="Trial", main="Forest plot") axis(1) axis(2, at=bcg$trial, labels=rev(bcg$trial), lty=0, las=1) abline(v=coef(uniran)) segments(pred[,2], rev(bcg$trial)+0.2, pred[,3], rev(bcg$trial)+0.2, lty=5) points(blup[,1], rev(bcg$trial)-0.2, pch=19) segments(blup[,2], rev(bcg$trial)-0.2, blup[,3], rev(bcg$trial)-0.2) # COMPUTE THE OUTCOME SEPARATELY FOR TREATMENT AND CONTROL GROUPS y <- with(bcg, log(cbind(tpos/tneg, cpos/cneg))) S <- with(bcg, cbind(1/tpos+1/tneg, 1/cpos+1/cneg)) # BIVARIATE RANDOM-EFFECTS META-ANALYSIS (SECTION 4) mvran <- mixmeta(y, S, method="ml") print(summary(mvran), digits=3, report="var") # META-REGRESSION (SECTION 5) uniranlat <- update(uniran, .~. + ablat) print(summary(uniranlat), digits=3, report="var") drop1(uniranlat, test="Chisq")
The function bdiagMat
builds a single matrix with block-diagonal from a list of matrices.
x |
a list of matrices, or a single matrix. |
A matrix with block-diagonal form if x
is a list, or otherwise x
itself if a matrix.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]>
See functions bldiag
in package metafor.
# GENERATE A LIST OF MATRICES, AND CREATE THE BLOCK-DIAGONAL MATRIX (matlist <- list(matrix(1:4,2), matrix(1:8,2))) bdiagMat(matlist)
# GENERATE A LIST OF MATRICES, AND CREATE THE BLOCK-DIAGONAL MATRIX (matlist <- list(matrix(1:4,2), matrix(1:8,2))) bdiagMat(matlist)
The dataset contains the results of 5 published trials comparing surgical and non-surgical treatments for medium-severity periodontal disease, one year after treatment. The 2 estimated outcomes are average improvements (surgical minus non-surgical, in mm) in probing depth (PD) and attachment level (AL).
A data frame with 5 observations on the following 7 variables:
publication year of the trial.
number of patients included in the trial.
estimated improvement of surgical versus non-surgical treatments in probing depth (mm).
estimated improvement of surgical versus non-surgical treatments in attachment level (mm).
variance of the estimated outcome for PD
covariance of the estimated outcomes for PD
and AL
variance of the estimated outcome for AL
Row names specify the author of the paper reporting the results of each trial.
Berkey CS, et al. (1998). Meta-analysis of multiple outcomes by regression with random effects. Statistics in Medicine. 17:2537–2550.
Berkey CS., et al. (1995). Multiple-outcomes meta-analysis of treatments for periodontal disease. Journal of Dental Research. 74(4):1030–1039.
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN BERKEY ET AL. (1998) # INSPECT THE DATA berkey98 # FIXED-EFFECTS year <- berkey98$pubyear - 1983 mod1 <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ year, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="fixed") print(summary(mod1), digits=3) # GLS MODEL (VARIANCE COMPONENTS) mod2 <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ year, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="vc", control=list(vc.adj=FALSE)) print(summary(mod2), digits=3) round(mod2$Psi, 3) # ML MODEL mod3 <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ year, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="ml") print(summary(mod3), digits=3) round(mod3$Psi, 3)
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN BERKEY ET AL. (1998) # INSPECT THE DATA berkey98 # FIXED-EFFECTS year <- berkey98$pubyear - 1983 mod1 <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ year, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="fixed") print(summary(mod1), digits=3) # GLS MODEL (VARIANCE COMPONENTS) mod2 <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ year, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="vc", control=list(vc.adj=FALSE)) print(summary(mod2), digits=3) round(mod2$Psi, 3) # ML MODEL mod3 <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ year, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="ml") print(summary(mod3), digits=3) round(mod3$Psi, 3)
This is a generic function for generating best linear unbiased predictions (BLUPs) from the results of various fitting functions for meta-analytical models. The function invokes particular methods which depend on the class
of the first argument. Currently, specific methods exist for several meta-analytical models in various packages: blup.mixmeta
, blup.rma.uni
, blup.mvmeta
, and blup.dosresmeta
blup(object, ...)
blup(object, ...)
object |
a model object for which BLUPs are desired. |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. |
The generic method function blup
calls specific method functions to produces (empirical) best linear unbiased predictions (BLUPs) from model objects.
These predictions are a shrunk version of unit-specific realizations, where unit-specific estimates borrow strength from the assumption of an underlying (potentially multivariate) distribution in a (usually hypothetical) population. The amount of shrinkage depends from the relative size of the within and between-unit covariance matrices.
The form of the value returned by blup
depends on the class of its argument. See the documentation of the particular methods for details of what is produced by that method. Usually, the results consist of point estimates of BLUPs and optionally some measure of their uncertainty.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]> and Francesco Sera <[email protected]>
Verbeke G, Molenberghs G. Linear Mixed Models for Longitudinal Data. Springer; 1997.
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
Specific methods for various classes: blup.mixmeta
, blup.rma.uni
, blup.mvmeta
, and blup.dosresmeta
This method function computes (empirical) best linear unbiased predictions from fitted random-effects meta-analytical models represented in objects of class "mixmeta"
. Quantities can represent prediction of outcomes given both fixed and random effects, or just random-effects residuals from the fixed-effects estimates. Predictions are optionally accompanied by standard errors, prediction intervals or the entire (co)variance matrix of the predicted outcomes.
## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' blup(object, se=FALSE, pi=FALSE, vcov=FALSE, pi.level=0.95, type="outcome", level, format, aggregate="stat", ...)
## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' blup(object, se=FALSE, pi=FALSE, vcov=FALSE, pi.level=0.95, type="outcome", level, format, aggregate="stat", ...)
object |
an object of class |
se |
logical switch indicating if standard errors must be included. |
pi |
logical switch indicating if prediction intervals must be included. |
vcov |
logical switch indicating if the (co)variance matrix must be included. |
pi.level |
a numerical value between 0 and 1, specifying the confidence level for the computation of prediction intervals. |
type |
the type of prediction. This can be either |
level |
level of random-effects grouping for which predictions are to be computed. Default to the highest (inner) level, with 0 corresponding to fixed-effects predictions obtained through |
format |
the format for the returned results. See Value. |
aggregate |
when |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. |
The method function blup
produces (empirical) best linear unbiased predictions from mixmeta
objects. These can represent outcomes, given by the sum of fixed and random parts, or just random-effects residuals representing deviations from the fixed-effects estimated outcomes. In non-standard models with multiple hierarchies of random effects, the argument level
can be used to determine the level of grouping for which predictions are to be computed.
These predictions are a shrunk version of unit-specific realizations, where unit-specific estimates borrow strength from the assumption of an underlying (potentially multivariate) distribution of outcomes or residuals in a (usually hypothetical) population. The amount of shrinkage depends from the relative size of the within and between-unit covariance matrices reported as components S
and Psi
in mixmeta
objects (see mixmetaObject
Fixed-effects models do not assume random effects, and the results of blup
for these models are identical to predict
(for type="oucome"
) or just 0's (for type="residuals"
How to handle predictions for units removed from estimation due to invalid missing pattern is determined by the na.action
argument used in mixmeta
to produce object
. If na.action=na.omit
, units excluded from estimation will not appear, whereas if na.action=na.exclude
they will appear, with values set to NA
for all the outcomes. This step is performed by napredict
. See Note below.
In the presence of missing values in the outcomes y
of the fitted model, correspondent values of point estimates and covariance terms are set to 0, while the variance terms are set to 1e+10
. In this case, in practice, the unit-specific estimates do not provide any information (their weight is virtually 0), and the prediction tends to the value returned by predict
with interval="prediction"
, when applied to a new but identical set of predictors. See also Note below.
(Empirical) best linear unbiased predictions of outcomes or random-effects residuals. The results may be aggregated in matrices (the default), or returned as lists, depending on the argument format
. For multivariate models, the aggregation is ruled by the argument aggregate
, and the results may be grouped by statistic or by outcome. If vcov=TRUE
, lists are always returned.
The definition of missing in model frames used for estimation in mixmeta
is different than that commonly adopted in other regression models such as lm
or glm
. See info on missing values
in mixmeta
Differently from predict
, this method function computes the predicted values in the presence of partially missing outcomes. Interestingly, BLUPs for missing outcomes may be slightly different than predictions returned by predict
on a new but identical set of predictors, as the BLUP also depends on the random part of the model. Specifically, the function uses information from the random-effects (co)variance to predict missing outcomes given the observed ones.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]> and Francesco Sera <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
Verbeke G, Molenberghs G. Linear Mixed Models for Longitudinal Data. Springer; 1997.
See predict
for standard predictions. See mixmeta-package
for an overview of the package and modelling framework.
# RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ 1, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) # ONLY BLUP blup(model) # BLUP AND SE blup(model, se=TRUE) # SAME AS ABOVE, AGGREGATED BY OUTCOME, WITH PREDICTION INTERVALS blup(model, se=TRUE, pi=TRUE, aggregate="outcome") # WITH VCOV, FORCED TO A LIST blup(model, se=TRUE, pi=TRUE, vcov=TRUE, aggregate="outcome") # PREDICTING ONLY THE RANDOM-EFFECT RESIDUALS blup(model, type="residual")
# RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ 1, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) # ONLY BLUP blup(model) # BLUP AND SE blup(model, se=TRUE) # SAME AS ABOVE, AGGREGATED BY OUTCOME, WITH PREDICTION INTERVALS blup(model, se=TRUE, pi=TRUE, aggregate="outcome") # WITH VCOV, FORCED TO A LIST blup(model, se=TRUE, pi=TRUE, vcov=TRUE, aggregate="outcome") # PREDICTING ONLY THE RANDOM-EFFECT RESIDUALS blup(model, type="residual")
These method functions return the estimated fixed-effects coefficients and their (co)variance matrix for fitted meta-analytical models represented in objects of class "mixmeta"
## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' coef(object, format=c("vector","matrix"), ...) ## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' vcov(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' coef(object, format=c("vector","matrix"), ...) ## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' vcov(object, ...)
object |
an object of class |
format |
format of the returned object. |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. |
For coef
, by default a vector (default)with the estimated fixed-effects coefficients. For multivariate models, a matrix can also be returned.
For vcov
, the (co)variance matrix of the estimated fixed-effects coefficients.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]>
See mixmeta-package
for an overview of the package and modelling framework.
# RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) # COEFFICIENTS model$coef coef(model) coef(model, format="matrix") summary(model)$coef # (CO)VARIANCE MATRIX vcov(model)
# RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) # COEFFICIENTS model$coef coef(model) coef(model, format="matrix") summary(model)$coef # (CO)VARIANCE MATRIX vcov(model)
The dataset contains the data on 46 studies published between 1980 and 2004 that assessed the effect of deep-brain stimulation on the relief of symptoms of Parkinson's disease. The outcome is reported as a score motor function, defined with the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS-part III), with lower values indicating better prognosis. Changes in the score were measured at 3, 6, 12 months and long-term after the implantation of the stimulator.
A data frame with 68 observations on the following 12 variables:
: label identifying the study.
: year of publication.
eff_month3, var_month3
: point estimate and variance of the change in the score at 3 months.
eff_month6, var_month6
: point estimate and variance of the change in the score at 6 months.
eff_month12, var_month12
: point estimate and variance of the change in the score at 12 months.
eff_long, var_long
: point estimate and variance of the change in the score in the long term.
: average disease duration (years).
: average baseline score of the patients.
The data are stored in a wide format, with each record belonging to a single study and different variables providing estimates of the outcome at different times. Each study report results at one or multiple times, with the remaining times set to missing. See the dataset gliomas for an example of similar dataset stored in long format.
The data provide an example of application of longitudinal meta-analysis, with repeated measurements of the effect size taken at various time point within each study. This requires a modelling structure that accounts for both within and between-study correlations of repeated measurements. In this case, the analysis is performed in the wide-format dataset using a multivariate meta-analysis. However, a long format is better suited for longitudinal meta-analysis, as it is applicable even when estimates are reported at different times in each study (see the examples in the help page of the dataset gliomas
). Results can be compared with those reported Ishak and colleagues (2007).
Ishak KJ, et al (2007). Meta-analysis of effect sizes reported at multiple time points using general linear mixed model. Clinical Trials. 4(5):525–39.
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN ISHAK ET AL (2007), TABLES 1 AND 2 # CREATE THE OUTCOME AND WITHIN-STUDY MATRICES (THE LATTER WITHOUT CORRELATION) y <- as.matrix(dbs[1:4*2+1]) S <- as.matrix(dbs[1:4*2+2]) # INDEPENDENT RANDOM EFFECTS (TABLE 1, FIRST MODEL) mv1 <- mixmeta(y ~ 1, S, bscov="diag", data=dbs) print(summary(mv1), digits=1, report="var") # HETEROGENEOUS AR1 RANDOM-EFFECTS (TABLE 1, THIRD MODEL) mv3 <- mixmeta(y ~ 1, S, bscov="har1", data=dbs) print(summary(mv3), digits=1, report="var") # BUILD THE LIST HETEROGENEOUS AR1 WITHIN-STUDY ERRORS (CORRELATION AT 0.97) cormat <- 0.97^abs(col(matrix(1,4,4)) - row(col(matrix(1,4,4)))) addS <- lapply(seq(nrow(S)), function(i) inputcov(sqrt(S[i,]), cormat)) addS <- lapply(addS, function(x) x[apply(!is.na(x),1,any), apply(!is.na(x),2,any)]) # ADD HAR1 WITHIN-STUDY ERRORS (TABLE 1, FOURTH MODEL) USING addSlist ## Not run: mv4 <- mixmeta(y ~ 1, bscov="har1", data=dbs, control=list(addSlist=addS)) print(summary(mv4), digits=1, report="var") ## End(Not run) ## Not run: ### USE A LONG FORMAT, AS MORE FLEXIBLE AND ALLOWS MORE COMPLEX MODELS # RESHAPE THE DATASET long <- reshape(dbs, direction="long", idvar="author", v.names=c("eff","var"), varying=list(1:4*2+1, 1:4*2+2)) # RE-RUN THE LAST (FOURTH) MODEL mv4b <- mixmeta(eff ~ factor(time) - 1, random = ~ factor(time) -1 | author, bscov="har1", data=long, control=list(addSlist=addS)) print(summary(mv4b), digits=1, report="var") # COMMON RANDOM EFFECTS (TABLE 1, SECOND MODEL) mv2 <- mixmeta(eff ~ factor(time) - 1, var, random = ~ factor(time) -1 | author, bscov="id", data=long) print(summary(mv2), digits=1, report="var") # FOURTH MODEL WITH ADDITIONAL CENTERED META-PREDICTORS (TABLE 2) mv4plus <- mixmeta(eff ~ factor(time) - 1 + I(duration-14) + I(baseline-52), random = ~ factor(time) -1 | author, bscov="har1", data=long, control=list(addSlist=addS)) print(summary(mv4plus), digits=1, report="var") ## End(Not run) ### SEE help(gliomas) FOR A COMPLEMENTARY EXAMPLE
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN ISHAK ET AL (2007), TABLES 1 AND 2 # CREATE THE OUTCOME AND WITHIN-STUDY MATRICES (THE LATTER WITHOUT CORRELATION) y <- as.matrix(dbs[1:4*2+1]) S <- as.matrix(dbs[1:4*2+2]) # INDEPENDENT RANDOM EFFECTS (TABLE 1, FIRST MODEL) mv1 <- mixmeta(y ~ 1, S, bscov="diag", data=dbs) print(summary(mv1), digits=1, report="var") # HETEROGENEOUS AR1 RANDOM-EFFECTS (TABLE 1, THIRD MODEL) mv3 <- mixmeta(y ~ 1, S, bscov="har1", data=dbs) print(summary(mv3), digits=1, report="var") # BUILD THE LIST HETEROGENEOUS AR1 WITHIN-STUDY ERRORS (CORRELATION AT 0.97) cormat <- 0.97^abs(col(matrix(1,4,4)) - row(col(matrix(1,4,4)))) addS <- lapply(seq(nrow(S)), function(i) inputcov(sqrt(S[i,]), cormat)) addS <- lapply(addS, function(x) x[apply(!is.na(x),1,any), apply(!is.na(x),2,any)]) # ADD HAR1 WITHIN-STUDY ERRORS (TABLE 1, FOURTH MODEL) USING addSlist ## Not run: mv4 <- mixmeta(y ~ 1, bscov="har1", data=dbs, control=list(addSlist=addS)) print(summary(mv4), digits=1, report="var") ## End(Not run) ## Not run: ### USE A LONG FORMAT, AS MORE FLEXIBLE AND ALLOWS MORE COMPLEX MODELS # RESHAPE THE DATASET long <- reshape(dbs, direction="long", idvar="author", v.names=c("eff","var"), varying=list(1:4*2+1, 1:4*2+2)) # RE-RUN THE LAST (FOURTH) MODEL mv4b <- mixmeta(eff ~ factor(time) - 1, random = ~ factor(time) -1 | author, bscov="har1", data=long, control=list(addSlist=addS)) print(summary(mv4b), digits=1, report="var") # COMMON RANDOM EFFECTS (TABLE 1, SECOND MODEL) mv2 <- mixmeta(eff ~ factor(time) - 1, var, random = ~ factor(time) -1 | author, bscov="id", data=long) print(summary(mv2), digits=1, report="var") # FOURTH MODEL WITH ADDITIONAL CENTERED META-PREDICTORS (TABLE 2) mv4plus <- mixmeta(eff ~ factor(time) - 1 + I(duration-14) + I(baseline-52), random = ~ factor(time) -1 | author, bscov="har1", data=long, control=list(addSlist=addS)) print(summary(mv4plus), digits=1, report="var") ## End(Not run) ### SEE help(gliomas) FOR A COMPLEMENTARY EXAMPLE
The Fibrinogen Studies Collaboration is a meta-analysis of individual data on 154,012 adults from 31 prospective cohort studies with information on plasma fibrinogen and major disease outcomes. The dataset reports a subset of the results of a first-stage analysis consisting of the log-hazard ratio of coronary heart disease for categories of levels of fibrinogen versus a baseline category.
A data frame with 31 observations on the following 15 variables:
: study ID.
b2, b3, b4, b5
: estimated log-hazard ratios for the second to fifth categories versus the baseline category.
V_2_2, V_3_3, V_4_4, V_5_5
: variances of the estimated log-hazard ratios.
V_2_3, V_2_4, V_2_5, V_3_4, V_3_5, V_4_5
: covariances of the estimated log-hazard ratios.
The published analysis adopted a fixed-effects model on 10 categories of fibrinogen (Fibrinogen Studies Collaboration 2004, 2005). Here a subset of the results of the first-stage analysis is reported, namely the log-hazard ratio for 4 categories and associated (co)variance terms, ordered as the lower triangular elements of the (co)variance matrix taken by column. Details on the first-stage model and the second-stage meta-analysis are provided in White (2009) and Jackson and colleagues (2010).
The data provide an example of application of multivariate meta-analysis for multi-parameter association, where a relationship is defined by functions specified by several coefficients. In this case, the coefficients refer to log-hazard ratio for strata of the original variable versus a baseline category. A general overview of the application of multivariate meta-analysis in this setting is provided by Gasparrini and colleagues (2012).
Fibrinogen Studies Collaboration (2004). Collaborative meta-analysis of prospective studies of plasma fibrinogen and cardiovascular disease. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation. 11:9–17.
Fibrinogen Studies Collaboration (2005). Plasma fibrinogen level and the risk of major cardiovascular diseases and nonvascular mortality: an individual participant meta-analysis. Journal of the American Medical Association. 294:1799–1809.
White IR (2009). Multivariate random-effects meta-analysis. Stata Journal. 9(1):40–56.
Jackson D, White IR, Thompson SG (2010). Extending DerSimonian and Laird's methodology to perform multivariate random effects meta-analyses. Statistics in Medicine. 29(12):1282–1297.
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN WHITE (2009) AND JACKSON ET AL. (2010) # INSPECT THE DATA head(fibrinogen) # REML MODEL y <- as.matrix(fibrinogen[2:5]) S <- as.matrix(fibrinogen[6:15]) model <- mixmeta(y, S) # SUMMARIZE THE RESULTS print(summary(model), digits=3) round(model$Psi, 3)
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN WHITE (2009) AND JACKSON ET AL. (2010) # INSPECT THE DATA head(fibrinogen) # REML MODEL y <- as.matrix(fibrinogen[2:5]) S <- as.matrix(fibrinogen[6:15]) model <- mixmeta(y, S) # SUMMARIZE THE RESULTS print(summary(model), digits=3) round(model$Psi, 3)
The dataset contains the data on 17 randomized controlled trials comparing post-operative radiation therapy plus chemotherapy versus radiation therapy alone in patients with malignant gliomas. The outcome of interest is the probability of survival along time, measured as odds ratio at 6, 12, 18, and 24 months.
A data frame with 68 observations on the following 8 variables:
: number identifying the trial.
: time (months) since the start of the treatment at which survival status is assessed.
ntreat, streat
: number of total patients at the beginning of the study and surviving patients at specific times, respectively, in the treatment group (radiation therapy plus chemotherapy).
dcontr, ncontr
: number of total patients at the beginning of the study and surviving patients at specific times, respectively, in the control group (radiation alone).
logOR, varOR
: log-odds ratio of survival between treatment and control groups.
The data are stored in a long format, with each record providing the estimate at a single time and each study providing multiple records. There were missing data for study 17 at months 6 and 18. There were no survivors in the control group at month 24 for studies 3 and 10, although this still allows computation of the OR. See the dataset dbs
for an example of similar dataset stored in wide format.
The log-odds ratio is computed empirically as . Its variance is simply computed as
The data provide an example of application of longitudinal meta-analysis, with repeated measurements of the effect size taken at various time points within each study. This requires a modelling structure that accounts for both within and between-study correlations of repeated measurements. In this case, the same analysis can be performed in a wide-format dataset using a multivariate meta-analysis (see the examples in the help page of the dataset dbs
). However, the long format is better suited for longitudinal meta-analysis, as it is applicable even when estimates are reported at different times in each study. Results can be compared with those reported Musekiwa and colleagues (2016). The same dataset was also used by Trikalinos and Olkin (2012), using a similar modelling scheme.
Musekiwa A, et al (2012). Meta-analysis of effect sizes reported at multiple time points using general linear mixed model. Plos One. 11(10):e0164898.
Trikalinos TA, Olkin I (2012). Meta-analysis of effect sizes reported at multiple time points: a multivariate approach. Clinical Trials. 9(5):610–620.
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN MUSEKIWA ET AL (2012), TABLES 3 AND 4 # INDEPENDENT RANDOM EFFECTS, NO WITHIN-STUDY CORRELATION (MODEL 1) mod1 <- mixmeta(logOR~0+factor(time), S=logORvar, random=~0+factor(time)|study, bscov="diag", data=gliomas) print(summary(mod1), digits=2, report="var") # COMPOUND-SYMMETRY RANDOM EFFECTS, NO WITHIN-STUDY CORRELATION (MODEL 2) # NB: THIS REQUIRES A TWO-LEVEL MODEL WITH THE INNER-LEVEL VARIANCE FIXED TO 0 unit <- factor(seq(nrow(gliomas))) mod2 <- mixmeta(logOR~0+factor(time), S=logORvar, random=~1|study/unit, bscov=c("unstr","fixed"), data=gliomas, control=list(Psifix=list(unit=0))) print(summary(mod2), digits=2, report="var") # BUILD THE HETEROGENEOUS AR1 WITHIN-STUDY ERRORS (CORRELATION AT 0.61) cormat <- 0.61^abs(col(matrix(1,4,4)) - row(col(matrix(1,4,4)))) addS <- lapply(split(sqrt(gliomas$logORvar), gliomas$study), inputcov, cormat) addS <- lapply(addS, function(x) x[apply(!is.na(x),1,any), apply(!is.na(x),2,any)]) # INDEPENDENT RANDOM EFFECTS, HAR1 WITHIN-STUDY CORRELATION (MODEL 4) mod4 <- mixmeta(logOR~0+factor(time), random=~0+factor(time)|study, bscov="diag", data=gliomas, control=list(addSlist=addS)) print(summary(mod4), digits=2, report="var") # UNSTRUCTURED RANDOM EFFECTS, HAR1 WITHIN-STUDY CORRELATION (MODEL 6) mod6 <- update(mod4, bscov="unstr") print(summary(mod6), digits=2, report="var") # COMPARE THE FIT AIC(mod1, mod2, mod4, mod6) ## Not run: ### MORE FLEXIBLE MODELLING OF RANDOM EFFECTS # RE-RUN BEST FITTING MODEL WITH ML (ALLOWS TESTING OF FIXED EFFECTS) mod4ml <- update(mod4, method="ml") # RANDOM-SLOPE MODEL WITH TIME AS CONTINUOUS (CENTERED IN random) modnew <- mixmeta(logOR~time, random=~I(time-15)|study, bscov="diag", method="ml", data=gliomas, control=list(addSlist=addS, maxiter=200)) print(summary(modnew), digits=2, report="var") # COMPARE AIC(mod4ml, modnew) ## End(Not run) ### SEE help(dbs) FOR A COMPLEMENTARY EXAMPLE
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN MUSEKIWA ET AL (2012), TABLES 3 AND 4 # INDEPENDENT RANDOM EFFECTS, NO WITHIN-STUDY CORRELATION (MODEL 1) mod1 <- mixmeta(logOR~0+factor(time), S=logORvar, random=~0+factor(time)|study, bscov="diag", data=gliomas) print(summary(mod1), digits=2, report="var") # COMPOUND-SYMMETRY RANDOM EFFECTS, NO WITHIN-STUDY CORRELATION (MODEL 2) # NB: THIS REQUIRES A TWO-LEVEL MODEL WITH THE INNER-LEVEL VARIANCE FIXED TO 0 unit <- factor(seq(nrow(gliomas))) mod2 <- mixmeta(logOR~0+factor(time), S=logORvar, random=~1|study/unit, bscov=c("unstr","fixed"), data=gliomas, control=list(Psifix=list(unit=0))) print(summary(mod2), digits=2, report="var") # BUILD THE HETEROGENEOUS AR1 WITHIN-STUDY ERRORS (CORRELATION AT 0.61) cormat <- 0.61^abs(col(matrix(1,4,4)) - row(col(matrix(1,4,4)))) addS <- lapply(split(sqrt(gliomas$logORvar), gliomas$study), inputcov, cormat) addS <- lapply(addS, function(x) x[apply(!is.na(x),1,any), apply(!is.na(x),2,any)]) # INDEPENDENT RANDOM EFFECTS, HAR1 WITHIN-STUDY CORRELATION (MODEL 4) mod4 <- mixmeta(logOR~0+factor(time), random=~0+factor(time)|study, bscov="diag", data=gliomas, control=list(addSlist=addS)) print(summary(mod4), digits=2, report="var") # UNSTRUCTURED RANDOM EFFECTS, HAR1 WITHIN-STUDY CORRELATION (MODEL 6) mod6 <- update(mod4, bscov="unstr") print(summary(mod6), digits=2, report="var") # COMPARE THE FIT AIC(mod1, mod2, mod4, mod6) ## Not run: ### MORE FLEXIBLE MODELLING OF RANDOM EFFECTS # RE-RUN BEST FITTING MODEL WITH ML (ALLOWS TESTING OF FIXED EFFECTS) mod4ml <- update(mod4, method="ml") # RANDOM-SLOPE MODEL WITH TIME AS CONTINUOUS (CENTERED IN random) modnew <- mixmeta(logOR~time, random=~I(time-15)|study, bscov="diag", method="ml", data=gliomas, control=list(addSlist=addS, maxiter=200)) print(summary(modnew), digits=2, report="var") # COMPARE AIC(mod4ml, modnew) ## End(Not run) ### SEE help(dbs) FOR A COMPLEMENTARY EXAMPLE
This is a nationally representative, longitudinal study of more than 21,000 9th graders in 944 schools who will be followed through their secondary and postsecondary years. The data are used for testing whether sex, socioeconomic status and sex by socio-economic status interaction are predictive of the mathematics standardized score in each of the eight race groups.
A data frame with 8 observations on the following 10 variables:
: race group.
b1, b2, b3
: estimated regression coefficients for sex, socio-economic status and sex by socio-economic status interaction, respectively, on the mathematics standardized score.
V11, V22, V33
: variances of the estimated coefficients.
V12, V13, V23
: covariances of the estimated coefficients.
Chen H, Manning AK, Dupuis J (2012). A method of moments estimator for random effect multivariate meta-analysis. Biometrics. 68(4):1278–1284.
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN CHEN ET AL. (2012) # INSPECT THE DATA hsls # FIXED-EFFECTS MODEL S <- as.matrix(hsls[5:10]) mod1 <- mixmeta(cbind(b1,b2,b3), S, data=hsls, method="fixed") summary(mod1) # MM MODEL mod2 <- mixmeta(cbind(b1,b2,b3), S,data=hsls, method="mm") summary(mod2) mod2$Psi
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN CHEN ET AL. (2012) # INSPECT THE DATA hsls # FIXED-EFFECTS MODEL S <- as.matrix(hsls[5:10]) mod1 <- mixmeta(cbind(b1,b2,b3), S, data=hsls, method="fixed") summary(mod1) # MM MODEL mod2 <- mixmeta(cbind(b1,b2,b3), S,data=hsls, method="mm") summary(mod2) mod2$Psi
The dataset contains the results of ten studies that assess the effectiveness of hypertension treatment for lowering blood pressure. Each study provides complete data on two treatment effects, the difference in systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) between the treatment and the control groups, where these differences are adjusted for the participants' baseline blood pressures. The within-study correlations of the two outcomes are known. Some trials are conducted on patients with isolated systolic hypertension (ISH).
A data frame with 10 observations on the following 7 variables:
: study ID.
sbp, sbp_se
: estimated difference and its standard error in systolic blood pressure.
dbp, dbp_se
: estimated difference and its standard error in diastolic blood pressure.
: within-study correlation between the estimated differences in systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
: indicator for studies on patients with isolated systolic hypertension.
The standard errors for the two outcomes are wrongly reported as variances in the original article by Jackson and colleagues (2013).
Jackson D, White IR, Riley RD (2013). A matrix based method of moments for fitting the multivariate random effects model for meta-analysis and meta-regression. Biometrical Journal. 55(2):231–45.
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN JACKSON ET AL. (2013) # INSPECT THE DATA hyp # INPUT THE CORRELATION (CAN ALSO BE INPUTTED DIRECTLY, SEE BELOW) (S <- inputcov(hyp[c("sbp_se", "dbp_se")], cor=hyp$rho)) # CHECK WITH THE FIRST STUDY cov2cor(xpndMat(S[1,])) # META-ANALYSIS, REML MODEL mod1 <- mixmeta(cbind(sbp,dbp), S=S, data=hyp) print(summary(mod1), digits=2) round(mod1$Psi,2) # META-ANALYSIS, REML MODEL (INPUTTING THE CORRELATION DIRECTLY) mod2 <- mixmeta(cbind(sbp,dbp), S=cbind(sbp_se,dbp_se)^2, data=hyp, control=list(Scor=hyp$rho)) print(summary(mod2), digits=2) # META-ANALYSIS, MM MODEL mod3 <- mixmeta(cbind(sbp,dbp), S=S, data=hyp, method="mm") print(summary(mod3), digits=2) round(mod3$Psi,2) # META-REGRESSION, REML MODEL mod4 <- mixmeta(cbind(sbp,dbp) ~ ish, S=S, data=hyp) print(summary(mod4), digits=2) # META-REGRESSION, MM MODEL mod5 <- mixmeta(cbind(sbp,dbp) ~ ish, S=S, data=hyp, method="mm") print(summary(mod5), digits=2)
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN JACKSON ET AL. (2013) # INSPECT THE DATA hyp # INPUT THE CORRELATION (CAN ALSO BE INPUTTED DIRECTLY, SEE BELOW) (S <- inputcov(hyp[c("sbp_se", "dbp_se")], cor=hyp$rho)) # CHECK WITH THE FIRST STUDY cov2cor(xpndMat(S[1,])) # META-ANALYSIS, REML MODEL mod1 <- mixmeta(cbind(sbp,dbp), S=S, data=hyp) print(summary(mod1), digits=2) round(mod1$Psi,2) # META-ANALYSIS, REML MODEL (INPUTTING THE CORRELATION DIRECTLY) mod2 <- mixmeta(cbind(sbp,dbp), S=cbind(sbp_se,dbp_se)^2, data=hyp, control=list(Scor=hyp$rho)) print(summary(mod2), digits=2) # META-ANALYSIS, MM MODEL mod3 <- mixmeta(cbind(sbp,dbp), S=S, data=hyp, method="mm") print(summary(mod3), digits=2) round(mod3$Psi,2) # META-REGRESSION, REML MODEL mod4 <- mixmeta(cbind(sbp,dbp) ~ ish, S=S, data=hyp) print(summary(mod4), digits=2) # META-REGRESSION, MM MODEL mod5 <- mixmeta(cbind(sbp,dbp) ~ ish, S=S, data=hyp, method="mm") print(summary(mod5), digits=2)
This function inputs (co)variance matrices of a set of outcomes given the corresponding standard deviation and correlation values.
inputcov(sd, cor=NULL)
inputcov(sd, cor=NULL)
sd |
a |
cor |
either a vector of length 1, |
Depending the number of outcomes and matrices
, the argument
is interpreted as:
if a vector of length 1 (a scalar), the same correlation for all the outcomes for all the
if a vector of length , the same correlation for all the
outcomes for each of the
if a vector of length , the lower triangular elements (without diagonal, taken by column) of the correlation matrix of the
outcomes, the same for all the
if a matrix, the correlation matrix for the single matrix (only when
if a matrix, each row represents the lower triangular elements (without diagonal, taken by column) of the correlation matrix of the
outcomes for each of the
For a single matrix, the (co)variance matrix itself. For multiple matrices, a matrix, where each row represents the vectorized entries of the lower triangle (with diagonal, taken by column) of the related (co)variance matrix (see
This function is called internally by mixmeta
for multivariate models to input the correlation(s) when only the within-unit variances are provided through the argument S
. In this case, the correlation values are set through the argument Scor
in the control list (see mixmeta.control
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]>
See xpndMat
. See mixmeta.control
# SOME RANDOM SD FOR A SINGLE MATRIX, WITH CONSTANT CORRELATION (M <- inputcov(runif(4, 0.1, 3), 0.7)) # CHECK CORRELATION cov2cor(M) # NOW WITH A MORE COMPLEX CORRELATION STRUCTURE (M <- inputcov(runif(3, 0.1, 3), c(0.7,0.2,0.4))) cov2cor(M) # MULTIPLE MATRICES (V <- matrix(runif(5*3, 0.1, 3), 5, 3, dimnames=list(1:5, paste("V", 1:3, sep="")))) inputcov(V, 0.6) # WITH REAL DATA WHEN CORRELATIONS AVAILABLE hyp (S <- inputcov(hyp[c("sbp_se","dbp_se")], cor=hyp$rho)) # CHECK FIRST STUDY cov2cor(xpndMat(S[1,])) # USED INTERNALLY IN mixmeta p53 inputcov(sqrt(p53[c("V1","V2")]), 0.5) model <- mixmeta(cbind(y1,y2), S=cbind(V1,V2), data=p53, control=list(Scor=0.5)) model$S
# SOME RANDOM SD FOR A SINGLE MATRIX, WITH CONSTANT CORRELATION (M <- inputcov(runif(4, 0.1, 3), 0.7)) # CHECK CORRELATION cov2cor(M) # NOW WITH A MORE COMPLEX CORRELATION STRUCTURE (M <- inputcov(runif(3, 0.1, 3), c(0.7,0.2,0.4))) cov2cor(M) # MULTIPLE MATRICES (V <- matrix(runif(5*3, 0.1, 3), 5, 3, dimnames=list(1:5, paste("V", 1:3, sep="")))) inputcov(V, 0.6) # WITH REAL DATA WHEN CORRELATIONS AVAILABLE hyp (S <- inputcov(hyp[c("sbp_se","dbp_se")], cor=hyp$rho)) # CHECK FIRST STUDY cov2cor(xpndMat(S[1,])) # USED INTERNALLY IN mixmeta p53 inputcov(sqrt(p53[c("V1","V2")]), 0.5) model <- mixmeta(cbind(y1,y2), S=cbind(V1,V2), data=p53, control=list(Scor=0.5)) model$S
This function augment data by replacing missing values. It can be used internally in mixmeta
through the control
inputna(y, S, inputvar=10^4)
inputna(y, S, inputvar=10^4)
Assuming a meta-analysis or meta-regression based on units and
y |
a |
S |
series of within-unit variances (or (co)variance matrices for multivariate models) of the estimated outcome(s). For univariate models, this is usually a |
inputvar |
multiplier for inputting the missing variances in |
The function augments the data by replacing missing values in the outcomes and the associated (co)variances. Specifically, it replaces missing outcomes and missing covariances (if provided) with 0, and missing variances with the largest observed variance multiplied by inputvar
. This value is expected to be very high, by default , so that the corresponding observation contributes only negligibly to the final estimate.
A matrix with the first column corresponding to the augmented outcomes, and the remaining
columns (depending on the availability of the within-study covariances) corresponding to vectorized entries of the lower triangle of the related (co)variance matrices.
Data augmentation used to be the approach to deal with missing values in the first implementation of mixmeta. The current algorithms directly account for missing.
Inputting missing values can be useful when two or more outcomes are never observed jointly, and the estimation is entirely based on indirect comparison. This method can be applied in network meta-analysis, also called indirect treatment comparison.
This approach can produce different results than standard methods, especially when the occurrence of missing is substantial. Preliminary analyses indicate that likelihood-based estimation methods do not seem to be affected, while non-iterative estimators such as method of moments and variance components are more sensitive. The user should be careful on the application of missing augmentation.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Kenward MG (2012). Multivariate meta-analysis for non-linear and other multi-parameter associations. Statistics in Medicine. 31(29):3821–3839. [Freely available here].
Jackson D, Riley R, White IR (2011). Multivariate meta-analysis: Potential and promise. Statistics in Medicine. 30(20);2481–2498.
White IR (2009). Multivariate random-effects meta-analysis. Stata Journal. 9(1):40–56.
White IR (2011). Multivariate random-effects meta-regression: updates to mvmeta. Stata Journal. 11(2):255-270.
See inputcov
for inputting (co)variance matrices.
# INSPECT THE DATA head(smoking) # STANDARD APPROACH TO MISSING DATA y <- as.matrix(smoking[11:13]) S <- as.matrix(smoking[14:19]) mod1 <- mixmeta(y, S) summary(mod1) # WITH DATA AUGMENTATION augdata <- inputna(y, S) y <- augdata[,1:3] S <- augdata[,-c(1:3)] mod2 <- mixmeta(y, S) summary(mod2) # NB: SAME PARAMETER ESTIMATES, BUT WRONG NYUMBER OF OBS # USED INTERNALLY IN mixmeta y <- as.matrix(smoking[11:13]) S <- as.matrix(smoking[14:19]) mod3 <- mixmeta(y, S, control=list(inputna=TRUE)) summary(mod3) # NOW RIGHT NUMBER OF OBS
# INSPECT THE DATA head(smoking) # STANDARD APPROACH TO MISSING DATA y <- as.matrix(smoking[11:13]) S <- as.matrix(smoking[14:19]) mod1 <- mixmeta(y, S) summary(mod1) # WITH DATA AUGMENTATION augdata <- inputna(y, S) y <- augdata[,1:3] S <- augdata[,-c(1:3)] mod2 <- mixmeta(y, S) summary(mod2) # NB: SAME PARAMETER ESTIMATES, BUT WRONG NYUMBER OF OBS # USED INTERNALLY IN mixmeta y <- as.matrix(smoking[11:13]) S <- as.matrix(smoking[14:19]) mod3 <- mixmeta(y, S, control=list(inputna=TRUE)) summary(mod3) # NOW RIGHT NUMBER OF OBS
This method function returns the (restricted) log-likelihood for fitted meta-analytical models represented in objects of class "mixmeta"
## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' logLik(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' logLik(object, ...)
object |
an object of class |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. |
A numeric scalar of class "logLik"
with attributes, providing the (restricted) log likelihood of the model. Attributes correspond to the component df
of mixmeta
objects, namely the following scalars: nall
(number of observations used for estimation, excluding missing values), nobs
(equal to nall
, minus the number of fixed-effects coefficients for REML models, fixed
(number of estimated fixed-effects coefficients), random
(number of estimated (co)variance terms).
This functions is called by AIC
and BIC
for computing the Akaike and Bayesian information criteria.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
See the default method logLik
. See mixmeta-package
for an overview of the package and modelling framework.
# RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL)~pubyear,S=berkey98[5:7],data=berkey98) # LOG-LIKELIHOOD ll <- logLik(model) ll attributes(ll) # AIC and BIC AIC(model) BIC(model)
# RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL)~pubyear,S=berkey98[5:7],data=berkey98) # LOG-LIKELIHOOD ll <- logLik(model) ll attributes(ll) # AIC and BIC AIC(model) BIC(model)
The function mixmeta
performs various meta-analytical models under a common mixed-effects framework, including standard univariate fixed and random-effects meta-analysis and meta-regression, and non-standard extensions such as multivariate, multilevel, longitudinal, and dose-response models. The function mixmeta.fit
is a wrapper for actual fitting functions based on different estimation methods, usually called internally. See mixmeta-package
for an overview.
mixmeta(formula, S, data, random, method="reml", bscov="unstr", offset, subset, contrasts=NULL, na.action, model=TRUE, control=list()) mixmeta.fit(X, Z, y, S, groups, method, bscov, control)
mixmeta(formula, S, data, random, method="reml", bscov="unstr", offset, subset, contrasts=NULL, na.action, model=TRUE, control=list()) mixmeta.fit(X, Z, y, S, groups, method, bscov, control)
Assuming a meta-analysis or meta-regression based on units aggregated within
(outer-level) groups,
fixed-effects predictors, and
random-effects predictors:
formula |
an object of class |
S |
series of within-unit variances (or (co)variance matrices for multivariate models) of the estimated outcome(s). For univariate models, this is usually a |
data |
an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by |
random |
a one-sided formula (or a list of formulae for multilevel models) offering a symbolic description of the linear predictor(s) and grouping structure for the random-effects part of the model. The usual form is |
method |
estimation method: |
bscov |
a character vector defining the structure of the random-effects (co)variance matrices. Default to |
offset |
optionally, a |
subset |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process. |
contrasts |
an optional list. See the |
na.action |
a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain |
model |
a logical value indicating whether the model frame should be included as a component of the returned value. See the |
control |
list of parameters for controlling the fitting process. These are passed to |
X |
a |
Z |
a |
y |
a |
groups |
matrix with |
The function mixmeta
resembles standard regression functions in R. See lme
in particular, or lm
or glm
, for information on most of the arguments. Internally, this function assembles the data components, defines the (potentially multiple) grouping levels and re-order the data accordingly, and then pass them to mixmeta.fit
. This is a wrapper for actual fitting functions that are automatically selected. Functions other than mixmeta
are not expected to be called directly for model fitting.
Fixed or random-effects models for meta-analysis are simply defined using y ~ 1
in formula
, where y
is a response vector optionally stored in data
. In meta-regression models, other terms are added in the right-hand side of the formula as y ~ x1 + ... + xp
, defining the linear meta-predictor. Factors, variable transformations and interactions are allowed, following the usual formula specification (see mixmetaFormula
In this standard usage, each of the rows is assumed to represent a single estimate of an outcome from a set of independent studies. In random-effects models, the grouping structure is automatically derived by assigning a group to each row of data (with
). Extensions to multivariate models (
) are straightforward, and only require using a matrix in the left-hand side, where each of the
columns represents a different outcome, or the form
cbind(y1, ..., yk) ~ 1
. See mixmetaFormula
Non-standard random-effects models can be specified through the optional argument random
. This is commonly represented by a one-sided formula, whose basic random-intercept form is ~ 1 | g
, where g
is a grouping factor. A more complex linear meta-predictor for the random-effects part can be also specified by ~ z1 + ... + zq | g
. The argument random
also accepts a list of one-sided formulae referring to multiple random-effects levels (see mixmetaFormula
). The use of random
extends the standard meta-analytical setting by relaxing the assumption of independence between units, allowing multiple estimates from the same group (with ) and multiple nested grouping levels. This provides the possibility to fit longitudinal, multilevel, and dose-response meta-analysis, among other extensions. See the examples below.
The argument bscov
allows the definition of specific structures for the random-effects (co)variance matrices corresponding the each level. The default unstructured form requires kq(kq+1)/2
parameters for a single-level meta-analysis. The choice of other structures reduces the number of parameters, although requiring stronger assumptions. More information and complete list of options is available at a specific help page (see mixmetaCovStruct
The within-unit (co)variances are provided through the argument S
, usually as a matrix. If the correlations are available, each of the row represents the
vectorized entries of the lower triangle of the related (co)variance matrix, taken by column (see
). If correlations are not available, each row represents the variances, and the correlations are inputted internally through the argument
of the control
list (see inputcov
). For more complex error structures that span multiple units, the argument S
can be omitted and passed through addSlist
in control
, although requiring the observations to be re-ordered accordingly to groups (see mixmeta.control
Different estimator are available in the package mixmeta
and chosen through the argument method
, with related fitting functions called internally. In the current version, the options are:
: Fixed-effects estimator
: Maximum likelihood (ML) estimator
: Restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimator
: Method of moments estimator
: Variance components estimator
Note that non-standard random-effects models and the use of structured (co)variance matrices are only available for "ml"
and "reml"
methods. See their help pages for further details on the estimation procedures, following the links above.
Missing values are allowed in both sides of formula
. In the case of missing predictors (right-hand side of formula
), the related unit is entirely excluded from estimation. In contrast, a unit still contributes to estimation if at least outcome is non-missing. This behaviour is different from standard regression functions such as lm
or glm
. Before the call to mixmeta.fit
, units matching such stricter missing definition are removed from the the model frame. The missing pattern in S
must be consistent with that in y
. See further details on handling missing values
in mixmeta
The fitting procedure can be controlled through the additional terms specified in control
, which are passed to the function mixmeta.control
The mixmeta
function typically returns a list object of class "mixmeta"
representing the meta-analytical model fit, as described in mixmetaObject
. When method="data.frame"
, the model is not fitted and the model frame is returned, namely a data frame with special attributes (see the default method model.frame
) and, in this case, the additional class "data.frame.mixmeta"
The wrapper function mixmeta.fit
is usually called internally in mixmeta
, and returns an intermediate list object with some of the components expected in the "mixmeta"
Several method functions for regression objects are available, either default or specifically written for the "mixmeta"
class. See mixmetaObject
for a complete list.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]> and Francesco Sera <[email protected]>
Sera F, Gasparrini A. (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Kenward MG (2012). Multivariate meta-analysis for non-linear and other multi-parameter associations. Statistics in Medicine. 31(29):3821–3839. [Freely available here].
See additional info on the estimation procedures at the related page of the fitting functions See mixmetaFormula
for the use of formulae to define the fixed and random parts of the model. See alternative (co)variance structures
for likelihood-based estimation methods. See handling of missing values
in mixmeta
. See lme
, lm
or glm
for standard regression functions. See mixmeta-package
for an overview of this modelling framework.
### STANDARD MODELS # RANDOM-EFFECTS META-ANALYSIS, ESTIMATED WITH REML model <- mixmeta(logor, logorvar, data=bcg) summary(model) # RANDOM-EFFECTS META-REGRESSION, ESTIMATED WITH ML model <- mixmeta(logor~ablat, logorvar, data=bcg, method="ml") summary(model) ### MAIN METHOD FUNCTIONS # COEFFICIENTS AND (CO)VARIANCE MATRIX coef(model) vcov(model) # RESIDUALS AND FITTED VALUES residuals(model) fitted(model) # MODEL FRAME AND MODEL MATRIX model.frame(model) model.matrix(model) # LOG-LIKELIHOOD AND AIC VALUE logLik(model) AIC(model) # COCHRAN Q TEST FOR RESIDUAL HETEROGENEITY qtest(model) ### PREDICTIONS # PREDICTED EFFECTS predict(model) predict(model, se=TRUE) predict(model, newdata=data.frame(ablat=2:5*10), ci=TRUE) # BEST LINEAR UNBIASED PREDICTION blup(model) blup(model, pi=TRUE) # SEE help(predict.mixmeta) AND help(BLUP.mixmeta) FOR MORE INFO ### MULTIVARIATE MODELS ### BIVARIATE MODELS model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) summary(model) residuals(model) ### MULTIVARIATE META-ANALYSIS WITH MORE THAN 2 OUTCOMES y <- as.matrix(fibrinogen[2:5]) S <- as.matrix(fibrinogen[6:15]) model <- mixmeta(y, S) summary(model) predict(model, se=TRUE) predict(model, se=TRUE, aggregate="outcome") ### OTHER EXTENSIONS # MULTILEVEL META-ANALYSIS model <- mixmeta(effect, var, random= ~ 1|district/study, data=school) summary(model) # SEE help(school) AND help(thrombolytic) FOR MORE EXAMPLES # DOSE-RESPONSE META-ANALYSIS (SIMPLIFIED) model <- mixmeta(logrr ~ 0 + dose, S=se^2, random= ~ 0 + dose|id, data=alcohol, subset=!is.na(se)) summary(model) # SEE help(alcohol) FOR MORE EXAMPLES # LONGITUDINAL META-ANALYSIS model <- mixmeta(logOR~time, S=logORvar, random=~I(time-15)|study, data=gliomas) summary(model) # SEE help(gliomas) AND help(dbs) FOR MORE EXAMPLES ### FIXED-EFFECTS MODELS AND ALTERNATIVE ESTIMATORS # FIXED-EFFECTS MODEL model <- mixmeta(sbp~ish, S=sbp_se^2, data=hyp, method="fixed") summary(model) # METHOD OF MOMENTS S <- as.matrix(hsls[5:10]) model <- mixmeta(cbind(b1,b2,b3), S, data=hsls, method="mm") summary(model) # VARIANCE COMPONENTS ESTIMATOR model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL)~pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="vc") summary(model) ### IN THE PRESENCE OF MISSING VALUES # RUN THE MODEL y <- as.matrix(smoking[11:13]) S <- as.matrix(smoking[14:19]) model <- mixmeta(y, S) summary(model) model.frame(model) # SEE help(na.omit.data.frame.mixmeta) FOR MORE EXAMPLES ### WHEN WITHIN-STUDY COVIARIANCES ARE NOT AVAILABLE AND/OR NEED TO BE INPUTTED # GENERATE S (S <- inputcov(hyp[c("sbp_se","dbp_se")], cor=hyp$rho)) # RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(sbp,dbp), S=S, data=hyp) # INPUTTING THE CORRELATION DIRECTLY IN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(y1,y2), cbind(V1,V2), data=p53, control=list(Scor=0.95)) summary(model) # SEE help(hyp) AND help(p53) FOR MORE EXAMPLES ### STRUCTURING THE BETWEEN-STUDY (CO)VARIANCE # DIAGONAL S <- as.matrix(hsls[5:10]) model <- mixmeta(cbind(b1,b2,b3), S, data=hsls, bscov="diag") summary(model) model$Psi # COMPOUND SYMMETRY model <- mixmeta(cbind(b1,b2,b3), S, data=hsls, bscov="cs") summary(model) model$Psi # SEE help(mixmetaCovStruct) FOR DETAILS AND ADDITIONAL EXAMPLES ### USE OF THE CONTROL LIST # PRINT THE ITERATIONS AND CHANGE THE DEFAULT FOR STARTING VALUES y <- as.matrix(smoking[11:13]) S <- as.matrix(smoking[14:19]) model <- mixmeta(y, S, control=list(showiter=TRUE, igls.inititer=20)) # SEE help(mixmeta.control) FOR FURTHER DETAILS
### STANDARD MODELS # RANDOM-EFFECTS META-ANALYSIS, ESTIMATED WITH REML model <- mixmeta(logor, logorvar, data=bcg) summary(model) # RANDOM-EFFECTS META-REGRESSION, ESTIMATED WITH ML model <- mixmeta(logor~ablat, logorvar, data=bcg, method="ml") summary(model) ### MAIN METHOD FUNCTIONS # COEFFICIENTS AND (CO)VARIANCE MATRIX coef(model) vcov(model) # RESIDUALS AND FITTED VALUES residuals(model) fitted(model) # MODEL FRAME AND MODEL MATRIX model.frame(model) model.matrix(model) # LOG-LIKELIHOOD AND AIC VALUE logLik(model) AIC(model) # COCHRAN Q TEST FOR RESIDUAL HETEROGENEITY qtest(model) ### PREDICTIONS # PREDICTED EFFECTS predict(model) predict(model, se=TRUE) predict(model, newdata=data.frame(ablat=2:5*10), ci=TRUE) # BEST LINEAR UNBIASED PREDICTION blup(model) blup(model, pi=TRUE) # SEE help(predict.mixmeta) AND help(BLUP.mixmeta) FOR MORE INFO ### MULTIVARIATE MODELS ### BIVARIATE MODELS model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) summary(model) residuals(model) ### MULTIVARIATE META-ANALYSIS WITH MORE THAN 2 OUTCOMES y <- as.matrix(fibrinogen[2:5]) S <- as.matrix(fibrinogen[6:15]) model <- mixmeta(y, S) summary(model) predict(model, se=TRUE) predict(model, se=TRUE, aggregate="outcome") ### OTHER EXTENSIONS # MULTILEVEL META-ANALYSIS model <- mixmeta(effect, var, random= ~ 1|district/study, data=school) summary(model) # SEE help(school) AND help(thrombolytic) FOR MORE EXAMPLES # DOSE-RESPONSE META-ANALYSIS (SIMPLIFIED) model <- mixmeta(logrr ~ 0 + dose, S=se^2, random= ~ 0 + dose|id, data=alcohol, subset=!is.na(se)) summary(model) # SEE help(alcohol) FOR MORE EXAMPLES # LONGITUDINAL META-ANALYSIS model <- mixmeta(logOR~time, S=logORvar, random=~I(time-15)|study, data=gliomas) summary(model) # SEE help(gliomas) AND help(dbs) FOR MORE EXAMPLES ### FIXED-EFFECTS MODELS AND ALTERNATIVE ESTIMATORS # FIXED-EFFECTS MODEL model <- mixmeta(sbp~ish, S=sbp_se^2, data=hyp, method="fixed") summary(model) # METHOD OF MOMENTS S <- as.matrix(hsls[5:10]) model <- mixmeta(cbind(b1,b2,b3), S, data=hsls, method="mm") summary(model) # VARIANCE COMPONENTS ESTIMATOR model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL)~pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="vc") summary(model) ### IN THE PRESENCE OF MISSING VALUES # RUN THE MODEL y <- as.matrix(smoking[11:13]) S <- as.matrix(smoking[14:19]) model <- mixmeta(y, S) summary(model) model.frame(model) # SEE help(na.omit.data.frame.mixmeta) FOR MORE EXAMPLES ### WHEN WITHIN-STUDY COVIARIANCES ARE NOT AVAILABLE AND/OR NEED TO BE INPUTTED # GENERATE S (S <- inputcov(hyp[c("sbp_se","dbp_se")], cor=hyp$rho)) # RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(sbp,dbp), S=S, data=hyp) # INPUTTING THE CORRELATION DIRECTLY IN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(y1,y2), cbind(V1,V2), data=p53, control=list(Scor=0.95)) summary(model) # SEE help(hyp) AND help(p53) FOR MORE EXAMPLES ### STRUCTURING THE BETWEEN-STUDY (CO)VARIANCE # DIAGONAL S <- as.matrix(hsls[5:10]) model <- mixmeta(cbind(b1,b2,b3), S, data=hsls, bscov="diag") summary(model) model$Psi # COMPOUND SYMMETRY model <- mixmeta(cbind(b1,b2,b3), S, data=hsls, bscov="cs") summary(model) model$Psi # SEE help(mixmetaCovStruct) FOR DETAILS AND ADDITIONAL EXAMPLES ### USE OF THE CONTROL LIST # PRINT THE ITERATIONS AND CHANGE THE DEFAULT FOR STARTING VALUES y <- as.matrix(smoking[11:13]) S <- as.matrix(smoking[14:19]) model <- mixmeta(y, S, control=list(showiter=TRUE, igls.inititer=20)) # SEE help(mixmeta.control) FOR FURTHER DETAILS
This internal function sets the parameter options used for fitting meta-analytical models, commonly to pre-specified default values. It is usually internally called by mixmeta
mixmeta.control(optim=list(), showiter=FALSE, maxiter=100, initPsi=NULL, Psifix=NULL, Scor=NULL, addSlist=NULL, inputna=FALSE, inputvar=10^4, loglik.iter="hybrid", igls.inititer=10, hessian=FALSE, vc.adj=TRUE, reltol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), checkPD=NULL, set.negeigen=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
mixmeta.control(optim=list(), showiter=FALSE, maxiter=100, initPsi=NULL, Psifix=NULL, Scor=NULL, addSlist=NULL, inputna=FALSE, inputvar=10^4, loglik.iter="hybrid", igls.inititer=10, hessian=FALSE, vc.adj=TRUE, reltol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), checkPD=NULL, set.negeigen=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
optim |
list of parameters passed to the |
showiter |
logical. If |
maxiter |
positive interger value. Maximum number of iterations in methods involving optimization procedures. |
initPsi |
either a matrix or a vector of its lower triangular elements (with diagonal, taken by column), or optionally a named list with one or more of such objects. Used as starting values of random-effects parameters in likelihood-based optimization routines. See Details. |
Psifix |
either a matrix or a vector of its lower triangular elements (with diagonal, taken by column), or optionally a named list with one or more of such objects. Used to define fixed parts of the random-effects |
Scor |
either a scalar, vector or matrix representing the within-unit correlation(s) to be inputted when the covariances are not provided in multivariate models, and ignored if they are. See |
addSlist |
a list of |
inputna |
logical. If missing values must be internally inputted. To be used with caution. See |
inputvar |
multiplier for inputting the missing variances, to be passed as an argument to |
loglik.iter |
iterative scheme used in in likelihood-based optimization routines. Options are |
igls.inititer |
number of iterations of the (restricted) iterative generalized least square algorithm when used in the initial phase of hybrid optimization procedure of likelihood-based estimators. See |
hessian |
logical. If |
vc.adj |
logical. If |
reltol |
relative convergence tolerance in methods involving optimization procedures. The algorithm stops if it is unable to reduce the value by a factor of |
checkPD |
logical. Determines if the semi-positiveness of within-unit error or random-effects (co)variance matrices must be checked. |
set.negeigen |
positive value. Value to which negative eigenvalues are to be set in estimators where such method is used to force semi-positive definiteness of the estimated between-study (co)variance matrix. |
This function has default values for most of the arguments, some of them set internally. Non-default values are passed through the control argument of mixmeta
. Many arguments refer to specific fitting procedures. See the help page of the related estimator for details.
The function automatically sets non-default values for some control arguments for optim
, unless explicitly set in the list passed to it. Specifically, the function selects fnscale=-1
, maxit=maxiter
and reltol=reltol
, where the latter two are specified by other arguments of this function.
The arguments initPsi
and Psifix
are used to provide information for estimation procedures of the random-effects parameters in likelihood-based methods. Specifically, the former is used to choose non-default starting values (see mixmeta.ml
), and the latter for defining the fixed (known) part of specific (co)variance structures
. In multilevel models, these arguments must be lists with named components referring to one or more levels of grouping defined by the argument random
of mixmeta
The argument addSlist
can be used to define more complex (known) error structures of the outcome(s) that are usually provided through the argument S
of mixmeta
as within-unit variances (or (co)variance matrices for multivariate models). This can be useful when these error structures spans multiple units (rows), and the between-unit correlation cannot be defined through S
, for instance in dose-response meta-analysis (see examples in mixmeta
). Note that this information is passed internally after the data have be re-ordered following the grouping defined by random
in mixmeta
, and this should be consistent in addSlist
. Specifically, the grouping variables are assumed as factors and therefore the groups are taken in alphabetical/numeric order. It is suggested to re-order the data according to this order of the groups before fitting the model, so to ensure consistency between the grouped data and addSlist
A list with components named as the arguments.
The function is expected to be extended and/or modified at every release of the package mixmeta. It is strongly suggested to check the arguments of this function at every release.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]> and Francesco Sera <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
See mixmeta
. See also glm.control
. See the help pages of the related fitting functions for details on each parameter. See mixmeta-package
for an overview of this modelling framework.
# PRINT THE ITERATIONS (SEE ?optim) AND CHANGE THE DEFAULT FOR STARTING VALUES mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, control=list(showiter=TRUE, igls.inititer=20)) # INPUT THE CORRELATION mixmeta(cbind(y1,y2), S=cbind(V1,V2), data=p53, control=list(Scor=0.5)) # FIX (PARTS OF) THE RANDOM-EFFECTS (CO)VARIANCE MATRIX y <- as.matrix(smoking[11:13]) S <- as.matrix(smoking[14:19]) mixmeta(y, S, bscov="prop", control=list(Psifix=diag(3)+1))
# PRINT THE ITERATIONS (SEE ?optim) AND CHANGE THE DEFAULT FOR STARTING VALUES mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, control=list(showiter=TRUE, igls.inititer=20)) # INPUT THE CORRELATION mixmeta(cbind(y1,y2), S=cbind(V1,V2), data=p53, control=list(Scor=0.5)) # FIX (PARTS OF) THE RANDOM-EFFECTS (CO)VARIANCE MATRIX y <- as.matrix(smoking[11:13]) S <- as.matrix(smoking[14:19]) mixmeta(y, S, bscov="prop", control=list(Psifix=diag(3)+1))
This function implements a generalized least square estimator for fixed-effects meta-analysis and meta-regression, including standard univariate models and non-standard multivariate extensions. It is meant to be used internally and not directly run by the users.
mixmeta.fixed(Xlist, ylist, Slist, nall, control, ...)
mixmeta.fixed(Xlist, ylist, Slist, nall, control, ...)
Assuming a meta-analysis or meta-regression based on independent groups (usually studies) providing a single estimate (unit of analysis),
outcomes and
fixed-effects predictors:
Xlist |
a |
ylist |
a |
Slist |
a |
nall |
numeric scalar with the total number of observations (excluding missing). |
control |
list of parameters for controlling the fitting process, usually internally set to default values by |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used. |
The estimation involves only the fixed-effects coefficients. Note that, in this fixed-effects estimator, each unit is assumed independent from the others, and therefore the number of groups (the length of the lists) is identical to the number of units (
). However, this is not important in fixed-effects models, where no random (and therefore grouping) structure is used.
The routine is based on a standard generalized least square (GLS) algorithm implemented in the internal function glsfit
. The between-study (co)variance matrix is set to zero, so the marginal (co)variance matrix, composed only by elements of the within-unit component, is assumed as completely known. Similarly to the likelihood-based estimators implemented in mixmeta.ml
and mixmeta.reml
, the computation involves Cholesky and and QR decompositions for computational stability and efficiency. The method is described in details in Gasparrini and collaborators (2012) (see references below).
These functions return an intermediate list object, with some components then processed and some others added later within mixmeta.fit
and mixmeta
to finalize an object of class "mixmeta"
. See mixmetaObject
As stated earlier, this function is called internally by mixmeta.fit
, and is not meant to be used directly. In particular, its code does not contain any check on the arguments provided, which are expected in specific formats. The function is however exported in the namespace and documented for completeness.
The arguments above are prepared by mixmeta.fit
from its arguments X
, y
and S
. The list structure, although requiring more elaborate coding, is computationally more efficient, as it avoids the specification of sparse block-diagonal matrices, especially for meta-analysis involving a large number of studies.
Some parameters of the fitting procedures are determined by the control
argument, with default set by mixmeta.control
. No missing values are accepted in the fitting functions. See details on missing values
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]> and Francesco Sera <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Kenward MG (2012). Multivariate meta-analysis for non-linear and other multi-parameter associations. Statistics in Medicine. 31(29):3821–3839. [Freely available here].
Berkey CS, Anderson JJ, Hoaglin DC (1996). Multiple-outcome meta-analysis of clinical trials. Statistics in Medicine. 15(5):537–547.
Berkey CS, et al. (1998). Meta-analysis of multiple outcomes by regression with random effects. Statistics in Medicine. 17(22):2537–2550.
See mixmeta
for the general usage of the functions. See mixmeta.control
to determine specific parameters of the fitting procedures. Use the triple colon operator (':::
') to access the code of the internal functions, such as glsfit
. See mixmeta-package
for an overview of the package and modelling framework.
# UNIVARIATE FIXED-EFFECTS MODEL mod1 <- mixmeta(yC, S=SCC, data=smoking, method="fixed") summary(mod1) # MULTIVARIATE FIXED-EFFECTS MODEL y <- as.matrix(smoking[11:13]) S <- as.matrix(smoking[14:19]) mod2 <- mixmeta(y, S, method="fixed") summary(mod2) # MULTIVARIATE FIXED-EFFECTS MODEL: REPLICATE THE RESULTS IN BERKEY ET AL. 1998 mod3 <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ I(pubyear-1983), S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="fixed") summary(mod3)
# UNIVARIATE FIXED-EFFECTS MODEL mod1 <- mixmeta(yC, S=SCC, data=smoking, method="fixed") summary(mod1) # MULTIVARIATE FIXED-EFFECTS MODEL y <- as.matrix(smoking[11:13]) S <- as.matrix(smoking[14:19]) mod2 <- mixmeta(y, S, method="fixed") summary(mod2) # MULTIVARIATE FIXED-EFFECTS MODEL: REPLICATE THE RESULTS IN BERKEY ET AL. 1998 mod3 <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ I(pubyear-1983), S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="fixed") summary(mod3)
These functions implement maximum likelihood (ML) and restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimators for random-effects meta-analysis and meta-regression, including standard univariate models, and non-standard extensions such as multivariate, multilevel, longitudinal, and dose-response models. These functions are meant to be used internally and not directly run by the users.
mixmeta.ml(Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, bscov, control, ...) mixmeta.reml(Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, bscov, control, ...)
mixmeta.ml(Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, bscov, control, ...) mixmeta.reml(Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, bscov, control, ...)
Assuming a meta-analysis or meta-regression based on units aggregated within
(outer-level) groups,
fixed-effects predictors, and
random-effects predictors:
Xlist |
a |
Zlist |
a |
ylist |
a |
Slist |
a |
nalist |
a |
rep |
matrix with |
k , q , nall
number of outcomes, number of random-effects predictors (including the intercept), total number of observations (excluding missing), respectively. While usually all are scalars, in the case of multilevel models |
bscov |
a character vector defining the structure of the (co)variance matrix for each level or random effects. See |
control |
list of parameters for controlling the fitting process, usually internally set to default values by |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used. |
The estimation involves fixed-effects coefficients and random-effects parameters, whose number depends on the number of grouping levels and, for each of them, on the chosen
(co)variance structure
for the between-study (co)variance matrices. A maximum of parameters are needed in the case of or single-level models with unstructured form for the random-effects (co)variance matrix.
(Restricted) maximum likelihood estimators implemented in mixmeta rely on two iterative algorithms: (R)IGLS
and quasi-Newton
iterative methods. The former implements a (restricted) iterative generalized least squares method, while the latter is based on a Newton-type maximization routine using specific likelihood functions
. The default estimation method is based on a hybrid procedure, with few runs of of the (R)IGLS algorithm and then quasi-Newton iterations until convergence. This approach is optimal in exploiting the properties of both algorithms, with (R)IGLS being robust to the choice of initial values and quick in getting near the maximum, while the quasi-Newton is fast to converge from that point. Full (R)IGLS or quasi-Newton methods can be alternatively selected using the control
argument of mixmeta
(see mixmeta.control
). Follow the links above for details on each iterative algorithm.
Both estimation algorithms adopt a profiled (or concentrated) approach, where the optimization is expressed only in terms of the random-effects parameters. Cholesky and and QR decompositions are used for computational stability and efficiency, and for assuring the positive-definiteness of the estimated between-study (co)variance matrix. The method is described in details in Gasparrini and collaborators (2012) (see references below).
These functions return an intermediate list object, with some components then processed and some others added later within mixmeta.fit
and mixmeta
to finalize an object of class "mixmeta"
. See mixmetaObject
As stated earlier, these functions are called internally by mixmeta.fit
, and are not meant to be used directly. In particular, their code does not contain any check on the arguments provided, which are expected in specific formats. The functions are not exported in the namespace, and only documented for completeness.
The arguments above are prepared by mixmeta.fit
from its arguments X
, Z
, y
, S
, groups
, and bscov
. The list structure, although requiring more elaborate coding, is computationally more efficient, as it avoids the specification of sparse block-diagonal matrices, especially for meta-analysis involving a large number of studies.
Some parameters of the fitting procedures are determined by the control
argument, with default set by mixmeta.control
. No missing values are accepted in the fitting functions. See details on missing values
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]> and Francesco Sera <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Kenward MG (2012). Multivariate meta-analysis for non-linear and other multi-parameter associations. Statistics in Medicine. 31(29):3821–3839. [Freely available here].
Pinheiro JC and Bates DM (2000). Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS. New York, Springer Verlag.
Lindstrom MJ and Bates DM (1988). Newton-Raphson and EM algorithms for linear mixed-effects models for repeated-measures data. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 83(404):1014–1022.
Goldstein H (1986). Multilevel mixed linear model analysis using iterative generalized least squares. Biometrika. 73(1):43.
Goldstein H (1992). Efficient computational procedures for the estimation of parameters in multilevel models based on iterative generalized least squares. Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis. 13(1):63–71.
See mixmeta
for the general usage of the functions. See mixmeta.control
to determine specific parameters of the fitting procedures. Use the triple colon operator (':::
') to access the code of the internal functions, such as glsfit
. See mixmeta-package
for an overview of the package and modelling framework.
# REML ESTIMATOR: UNIVARIATE MODEL mod1 <- mixmeta(yC, S=SCC, data=smoking) summary(mod1) # ML ESTIMATOR: MULTIVARIATE MODEL year <- berkey98$pubyear - 1983 mod2 <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ year, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98,method="ml") print(summary(mod2), digits=3) round(mod2$Psi,3) # STRUCTURED BETWEEN-STUDY (CO)VARIANCE y <- as.matrix(fibrinogen[2:5]) S <- as.matrix(fibrinogen[6:15]) mod3 <- mixmeta(y, S, bscov="hcs") summary(mod3) # MULTILEVEL MODEL mod4 <- mixmeta(effect, var, random= ~ 1|district/study, data=school) summary(mod4) # LONGITUDINAL MODEL mod5 <- mixmeta(logOR~time, S=logORvar, random=~I(time-15)|study, bscov="diag", method="ml", data=gliomas) summary(mod5)
# REML ESTIMATOR: UNIVARIATE MODEL mod1 <- mixmeta(yC, S=SCC, data=smoking) summary(mod1) # ML ESTIMATOR: MULTIVARIATE MODEL year <- berkey98$pubyear - 1983 mod2 <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ year, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98,method="ml") print(summary(mod2), digits=3) round(mod2$Psi,3) # STRUCTURED BETWEEN-STUDY (CO)VARIANCE y <- as.matrix(fibrinogen[2:5]) S <- as.matrix(fibrinogen[6:15]) mod3 <- mixmeta(y, S, bscov="hcs") summary(mod3) # MULTILEVEL MODEL mod4 <- mixmeta(effect, var, random= ~ 1|district/study, data=school) summary(mod4) # LONGITUDINAL MODEL mod5 <- mixmeta(logOR~time, S=logORvar, random=~I(time-15)|study, bscov="diag", method="ml", data=gliomas) summary(mod5)
This function implements a method of moments estimator for multivariate and univariate random-effects meta-analysis and meta-regression. It is meant to be used internally and not directly run by the users.
mixmeta.mm(Xlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, k, m, p, nall, control, ...)
mixmeta.mm(Xlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, k, m, p, nall, control, ...)
Assuming a meta-analysis or meta-regression based on independent groups (usually studies) providing a single estimate (unit of analysis),
outcomes and
fixed-effects predictors:
Xlist |
a |
ylist |
a |
Slist |
a |
nalist |
a |
k , m , p , nall
numeric scalars: number of outcomes, number of groups included in estimation (equal to the length of lists above), number of predictors (including the intercept), total number of observations (excluding missing). |
control |
list of parameters for controlling the fitting process, usually internally set to default values by |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used. |
In this method of moments estimator, only a basic random-effects structure is allowed, where each group (usually corresponding to an independent study) provides a single estimate (unit of analysis) for one or multiple outcomes. This implies that the number of groups (i.e., the length of the lists) is identical to the number of units (m=n
). In addition, only an unstructured form for the(co)variance matrix of the single level of random effects is permitted. Therefore, the estimation involves fixed-effects coefficients and
random-effects parameters, corresponding to the lower triangular entries of the between-study (co)variance matrix.
The method of moment estimator implemented here represents a multivariate extension of the traditional estimator proposed by DerSimonian and Laird (1986), and simplifies to the standard method in the univariate case. The estimator used here is described in Jackson and collaborators (2013) as a generalization of that developed by Chen and collaborators (2012). However, this general version is computationally more intensive, and may turn out to be slow when applied to meta-analysis of a relatively high number of studies. An alternative and computationally faster method of moment estimator was previously proposed by Jackson and collaborators (2010), although it is not invariant to reparameterization. This latter estimator is currently not implemented in mixmeta. See references below.
This method of moments estimator is not bounded to provide a positive semi-definite random-effects (co)variance matrix, as shown in the simulation study by Liu and colleagues (2009). Here positive semi-definiteness is forced by setting the negative eigenvalues of the estimated matrix to a positive value close to zero at each iteration (see control
). Little is known about the impact of such constraint.
This function returns an intermediate list object, with some components then processed and some others added later within mixmeta.fit
and mixmeta
to finalize an object of class "mixmeta"
. See mixmetaObject
As stated earlier, this function is called internally by mixmeta.fit
, and is not meant to be used directly. In particular, its code does not contain any check on the arguments provided, which are expected in specific formats. The function is however exported in the namespace and documented for completeness.
The arguments above are prepared by mixmeta.fit
from its arguments X
, y
and S
. The list structure, although requiring more elaborate coding, is computationally more efficient, as it avoids the specification of sparse block-diagonal matrices, especially for meta-analysis involving a large number of studies.
Some parameters of the fitting procedures are determined by the control
argument, with default set by mixmeta.control
. No missing values are accepted in the fitting functions. See details on missing values
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Kenward MG (2012). Multivariate meta-analysis for non-linear and other multi-parameter associations. Statistics in Medicine. 31(29):3821–3839. [Freely available here].
Jackson D, White IR, Riley RD (2013). A matrix based method of moments for fitting the multivariate random effects model for meta-analysis and meta-regression. Biometrical Journal. 55(2):231–45.
See mixmeta
for the general usage of the functions. See mixmeta.control
to determine specific parameters of the fitting procedures. Use the triple colon operator (':::
') to access the code of the internal functions, such as fbtr
. See mixmeta-package
for an overview of the package and modelling framework.
# MM ESTIMATOR: UNIVARIATE MODEL mod1 <- mixmeta(PD ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[,5], data=berkey98, method="mm") summary(mod1) # MULTIVARIATE MODEL: REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN CHEN ET AL. (2012) S <- as.matrix(hsls[5:10]) mod2 <- mixmeta(cbind(b1,b2,b3), S, data=hsls, method="mm") summary(mod2) # MULTIVARIATE MODEL: REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN JACKSON ET AL. (2013) S <- inputcov(hyp[c("sbp_se","dbp_se")], cor=hyp$rho) mod3 <- mixmeta(cbind(sbp,dbp), S=S, data=hyp, method="mm") summary(mod3)
# MM ESTIMATOR: UNIVARIATE MODEL mod1 <- mixmeta(PD ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[,5], data=berkey98, method="mm") summary(mod1) # MULTIVARIATE MODEL: REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN CHEN ET AL. (2012) S <- as.matrix(hsls[5:10]) mod2 <- mixmeta(cbind(b1,b2,b3), S, data=hsls, method="mm") summary(mod2) # MULTIVARIATE MODEL: REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN JACKSON ET AL. (2013) S <- inputcov(hyp[c("sbp_se","dbp_se")], cor=hyp$rho) mod3 <- mixmeta(cbind(sbp,dbp), S=S, data=hyp, method="mm") summary(mod3)
This function implements a variance components estimator for multivariate and univariate random-effects meta-analysis and meta-regression. It is meant to be used internally and not directly run by the users.
mixmeta.vc(Xlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, k, m, p, nall, control, ...)
mixmeta.vc(Xlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, k, m, p, nall, control, ...)
Assuming a meta-analysis or meta-regression based on independent groups (usually studies) providing a single estimate (unit of analysis),
outcomes and
fixed-effects predictors:
Xlist |
a |
ylist |
a |
Slist |
a |
nalist |
a |
k , m , p , nall
numeric scalars: number of outcomes, number of groups included in estimation (equal to the length of lists above), number of predictors (including the intercept), total number of observations (excluding missing). |
control |
list of parameters for controlling the fitting process, usually internally set to default values by |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used. |
In this variance components estimator, only a basic random-effects structure is allowed, where each group (usually corresponding to an independent study) provides a single estimate (unit of analysis) for one or multiple outcomes. This implies that the number of groups (i.e., the length of the lists) is identical to the number of units (m=n
). In addition, only an unstructured form for the(co)variance matrix of the single level of random effects is permitted. Therefore, the estimation involves fixed-effects coefficients and
random-effects parameters, corresponding to the lower triangular entries of the between-study (co)variance matrix.
The procedure is based on the estimate of the between-group (co)variance as the difference between the marginal (co)variance and the average within-group (co)variance. This in turn requires the estimate of the marginal (co)variance, obtained by the residuals of the fitted model. The procedure is iterative, with the current estimate of the between-group (co)variance plugged into a generalized least square (GLS) routine. Starting values are provided by a fixed-effects estimator (see mixmeta.fixed
). The algorithm is fast and generally converges with few iterations.
Similar versions of this estimator has been previously proposed. Berkey and collaborators (1998) simply called it GLS method, and a non-iterative approach was proposed by Ritz and collaborators (2008), referred to as MVEE3 in their article. A non-iterative version for univariate models is discussed in Sidik and Jonkman (2007). The results from Berkey and collaborators (1998) are reproduced in the example below.
In the original approach, the estimate of the marginal (co)variance is obtained from the sum of the residual components using a denominator equal to m-p
. Following the development proposed by Kauermann and Carroll (2001) and Fay and Graubard (2001) in the context of sandwich (co)variance estimators, then discussed by Lu and collaborators (2007), an adjusted denominator can be computed as a quantity derived from the hat matrix. This method is expected to perform better in the presence of missing values and small data sets. This alternative adjustment is chosen by default by setting vc.adj=TRUE
in the control
This variance component estimator is not bounded to provide a positive semi-definite between-study (co)variance matrix, as shown in the simulation study by Liu and colleagues (2009). Here positive semi-definiteness is forced by setting the negative eigenvalues of the estimated matrix to a value close to zero at each iteration (see control
). Little is known about the impact of such constraint.
This function returns an intermediate list object, with some components then processed and some others added later within mixmeta.fit
and mixmeta
to finalize an object of class "mixmeta"
. See mixmetaObject
As stated earlier, this function is called internally by mixmeta.fit
, and is not meant to be used directly. In particular, its code does not contain any check on the arguments provided, which are expected in specific formats. The function is however exported in the namespace and documented for completeness.
The arguments above are prepared by mixmeta.fit
from its arguments X
, y
and S
. The list structure, although requiring more elaborate coding, is computationally more efficient, as it avoids the specification of sparse block-diagonal matrices, especially for meta-analysis involving a large number of studies.
Some parameters of the fitting procedures are determined by the control
argument, with default set by mixmeta.control
. No missing values are accepted in the fitting functions. See details on missing values
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Kenward MG (2012). Multivariate meta-analysis for non-linear and other multi-parameter associations. Statistics in Medicine. 31(29):3821–3839. [Freely available here].
Ritz J, Demidenko E, Spiegelman G (2008). Multivariate meta-analysis for data consortia, individual patient meta-analysis, and pooling projects. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 139(7):1919–1933.
Berkey CS, et al. (1998). Meta-analysis of multiple outcomes by regression with random effects. Statistics in Medicine. 17(22):2537–2550.
Liu Q, et al (2009). A two-stage hierarchical regression model for meta-analysis of epidemiologic nonlinear dose-response data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 53(12):4157–4167
Sidik K, Jonkman JN (2007). A comparison of heterogeneity variance estimators in combining results of studies. Statistics in Medicine. 26(9):1964–81.
See mixmeta
for the general usage of the functions. See mixmeta.control
to determine specific parameters of the fitting procedures. Use the triple colon operator (':::
') to access the code of the internal functions, such as sumlist
. See mixmeta-package
for an overview of the package and modelling framework.
# VC ESTIMATOR: UNIVARIATE MODEL mod1 <- mixmeta(PD ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[,5], data=berkey98, method="vc") summary(mod1) # VC ESTIMATOR: MULTIVARIATE MODEL mod2 <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="vc") summary(mod2) # VC ESTIMATOR: NON-ITERATIVE VERSION mod3 <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="vc", control=list(maxiter=1)) summary(mod3) # VARIANCE COMPONENTS ESTIMATOR: REPLICATE THE RESULTS IN BERKEY ET AL. (1998) mod4 <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ I(pubyear-1983), S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="vc", control=list(vc.adj=FALSE)) summary(mod4)
# VC ESTIMATOR: UNIVARIATE MODEL mod1 <- mixmeta(PD ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[,5], data=berkey98, method="vc") summary(mod1) # VC ESTIMATOR: MULTIVARIATE MODEL mod2 <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="vc") summary(mod2) # VC ESTIMATOR: NON-ITERATIVE VERSION mod3 <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="vc", control=list(maxiter=1)) summary(mod3) # VARIANCE COMPONENTS ESTIMATOR: REPLICATE THE RESULTS IN BERKEY ET AL. (1998) mod4 <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ I(pubyear-1983), S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="vc", control=list(vc.adj=FALSE)) summary(mod4)
Alternative options for the (co)variance structure of the random effects random effects in meta-analytical models, usually defined through the argument bscov
of the function mixmeta
Assuming a meta-analysis or meta-regression based on outcomes, for each grouping level with
random-effects predictors the matrix can be specified in various forms listed below. For multivariate models with multiple predictors, the order implies a sequence of
parameters for each
outcomes. These are the options:
: an unstructured form for a general positive-definite matrix. The matrix is represented by unrestricted parameters defined as the upper triangular entries of its Cholesky decomposition.
: a diagonal positive-definite matrix. The matrix is represented by unrestricted parameters defined as the logarithm of the diagonal values.
: a multiple of the identity positive-definite matrix. The matrix is represented by a single unrestricted parameter defined as the logarithm of the diagonal value.
: a positive-definite matrix with compound symmetry structure. The matrix is represented by 2 unrestricted parameters defined as the logarithm of the identical diagonal value and the transformed correlation. The latter is parameterized so to obtain a correlation value between and 1, in order to ensure positive-definiteness.
: a positive-definite matrix with heterogeneous compound symmetry structure. The matrix is represented by unrestricted parameters defined as the logarithm of the diagonal values and the transformed correlation. The latter is parameterized so to obtain a correlation value between
and 1, in order to ensure positive-definiteness.
: a positive-definite matrix with autoregressive structure of first order. The matrix is represented by 2 unrestricted parameters defined as the logarithm of the identical diagonal value and the logistic transformed correlation. The latter is parameterized so to obtain a correlation value between -1 and 1.
: a positive-definite matrix with heterogeneous autoregressive structure of first order. The matrix is represented by unrestricted parameters defined as the logarithm of the diagonal value and the logistic transformed correlation. The latter is parameterized so to obtain a correlation value between -1 and 1.
: a positive-definite matrix proportional to that provided by the user through the argument Psifix
in the control list (see mixmeta.control
). The matrix is represented by 1 unrestricted parameter defined as the logarithm of the multiplier.
: a positive-definite matrix with correlation structure provided by the user through the argument Psifix
(with cov2cor
) in the control list (see mixmeta.control
). The matrix is represented by unrestricted parameters defined as the logarithm of the diagonal values.
: a known matrix provided by the user through the argument Psifix
in the control list (see mixmeta.control
). The matrix is known and no parameters are needed to represent it.
Structures other than unstr
are only available for models estimated through (restricted) maximum likelihood.
The unrestricted parameters defining the random-effects (co)variance matrix (or matrices for multilvel models) are estimated in the iterative optimization algorithm (see mixmeta.ml
). Although rarely needed and not recommeded, the user can provided a starting value of the (co)variance matrix, from which the parameters are derived (see mixmeta.control
The choice of structures can affect the performance of the optimization procedure, determining forms of likelihood surfaces which induce convergence to local maxima. In particular, structures such as multiple of identity or proportional to a fixed matrix are based on strong assumptions and should be used with caution.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]> and Francesco Sera <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
Pinheiro JC and Bates DM (2000). Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS. New York, Springer Verlag.
See mixmeta
. See lm
or glm
for standard regression functions. See mixmeta-package
for an overview of this modelling framework.
# UNSTRUCTURED AND STRUCTURED BETWEEN-STUDY (CO)VARIANCE y <- as.matrix(smoking[11:13]) S <- as.matrix(smoking[14:19]) mod1 <- mixmeta(y, S) summary(mod1) mod1$Psi # DIAGONAL mod2 <- mixmeta(y, S, bscov="diag") summary(mod2) mod2$Psi # HETEROGENEOUS COMPOUND SYMMETRY mod3 <- mixmeta(y, S, bscov="hcs") summary(mod3) mod3$Psi # PROPORTIONAL mod4 <- mixmeta(y, S, bscov="prop", control=list(Psifix=diag(3)+1)) summary(mod4) mod4$Psi # CORRELATION Psicor <- matrix(0.2, 3, 3) ; diag(Psicor) <- 1 mod5 <- mixmeta(y, S, bscov="cor", control=list(Psifix=Psicor)) summary(mod5) mod5$Psi
# UNSTRUCTURED AND STRUCTURED BETWEEN-STUDY (CO)VARIANCE y <- as.matrix(smoking[11:13]) S <- as.matrix(smoking[14:19]) mod1 <- mixmeta(y, S) summary(mod1) mod1$Psi # DIAGONAL mod2 <- mixmeta(y, S, bscov="diag") summary(mod2) mod2$Psi # HETEROGENEOUS COMPOUND SYMMETRY mod3 <- mixmeta(y, S, bscov="hcs") summary(mod3) mod3$Psi # PROPORTIONAL mod4 <- mixmeta(y, S, bscov="prop", control=list(Psifix=diag(3)+1)) summary(mod4) mod4$Psi # CORRELATION Psicor <- matrix(0.2, 3, 3) ; diag(Psicor) <- 1 mod5 <- mixmeta(y, S, bscov="cor", control=list(Psifix=Psicor)) summary(mod5) mod5$Psi
Meta-analytical models fitted with mixmeta
are defined by specific formulae in its arguments formula
and random
. The formulae offer compact symbolic expressions with form y ~ x + z
, where the response y
in the left-hand side of the operator ~
is modelled in terms of meta-predictors x
and z
in the right-hand side. Terms are separated by +
, and additional syntactic operators and existing functions can be used within a formula to specify transformations such as categorization and interactions, among others, as in standard formula expressions (see formula
for details). The usage of formulae in mixmeta for the random-effects part follows closely the definition in the the nlme package.
The argument formula
of mixmeta
defines the fixed-effects part. Models for meta-analysis with no meta-predictors can be specified using the form y ~ 1
, or alternatively including only the term y
(in this case, the formula is reconstructed internally). Multivariate models can be defined by using a matrix-type y
, with columns as multiple outcomes, or directly in the formula with form cbind(y1 + y2) ~ 1
. In meta-regression models, other terms are added in the right-hand side of the formula as y ~ x1 + ... + xp
, defining the linear meta-predictor. In multivariate meta-regression, the same linear predictor is specified for each outcome.
The argument random
of mixmeta
defines the random-effects part. When this is not specified, it is assumed that each row of data is from an independent study and assigned to a different group, as in standard meta-analytical models. If provided, this is usually represented by a one-sided formula whose basic random-intercept form is ~ 1 | g
. The term g
at the right-hand side of the special operator |
is the grouping factor, always required in a single random-effects formula. A more complex random-effects part can be also specified by ~ z1 + ... + zq | g
, where the terms in the left-hand side defines a linear meta-predictor, with syntax identical to the usual formulae.
The argument random
also accepts a list of one-sided formulae referring to multiple random-effects levels in multilevel meta-analytical models. In this case, levels are assumed to be nested in the order of the list, from the lowest (outer) to the highest (inner), consistently with the grouping factors. These are usually defined by different terms in the right-hand side of the |
operator, although in the list form can also be provided as names of the list components. This information is used internally to reconstruct the grouping structure and the random-effects design matrices. Each level can have different linear predictors, but if these are identical across levels the random-effects part can be defined by a single equation ~ z | g1 / g2
, where the special operator /
separates the grouping factors g2
nested in g1
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]> and Francesco Sera <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
See mixmeta
. See formula
for standard regression formulae. See mixmeta-package
for an overview of this modelling framework.
# STANDARD RANDOM-EFFECTS META-ANALYSIS (WITH DIFFERENT SYNTAXES) mixmeta(logor, logorvar, data=bcg) mixmeta(logor ~ 1, logorvar, data=bcg) # META-REGRESSION mixmeta(logor ~ ablat, logorvar, data=bcg) # MULTIVARIATE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) # NON-STANDARD MODEL: REPEATED MEASURED WITHING THE SAME GROUPS mixmeta(effect, var, random= ~ 1|district, data=school) mixmeta(absrisk, var, random= ~ 1|trial, data=thrombolytic) # NON-STANDARD MODEL: MORE COMPLEX RANDOM-EFFECTS PREDICTOR mixmeta(logOR~time, logORvar, random= ~ I(time-15)|study, data=gliomas) # MULTILEVEL MODEL (WITH DIFFERENT SYNTAXES) mixmeta(effect, var, random= ~ 1|district/study, data=school) mixmeta(effect, var, random=list(~ 1|district, ~ 1|study), data=school) mixmeta(effect, var, random=list(district = ~ 1, study = ~ 1), data=school)
# STANDARD RANDOM-EFFECTS META-ANALYSIS (WITH DIFFERENT SYNTAXES) mixmeta(logor, logorvar, data=bcg) mixmeta(logor ~ 1, logorvar, data=bcg) # META-REGRESSION mixmeta(logor ~ ablat, logorvar, data=bcg) # MULTIVARIATE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) # NON-STANDARD MODEL: REPEATED MEASURED WITHING THE SAME GROUPS mixmeta(effect, var, random= ~ 1|district, data=school) mixmeta(absrisk, var, random= ~ 1|trial, data=thrombolytic) # NON-STANDARD MODEL: MORE COMPLEX RANDOM-EFFECTS PREDICTOR mixmeta(logOR~time, logORvar, random= ~ I(time-15)|study, data=gliomas) # MULTILEVEL MODEL (WITH DIFFERENT SYNTAXES) mixmeta(effect, var, random= ~ 1|district/study, data=school) mixmeta(effect, var, random=list(~ 1|district, ~ 1|study), data=school) mixmeta(effect, var, random=list(district = ~ 1, study = ~ 1), data=school)
An object returned by the mixmeta
function, inheriting from class "mixmeta"
, and representing a fitted univariate or multivariate meta-analytical model.
Objects of class "mixmeta"
are lists with defined components. Dimensions of such components may refer to outcome parameters,
fixed-effects and
random-effects predictors,
groups and
units used for fitting the model (the latter can be different from those originally selected due to missing). Depending on the type of meta-analytical model, the following components can bu included in a legitimate
coefficients |
a |
vcov |
estimated |
Psi |
the estimated |
residuals |
a |
fitted.values |
a |
df.residual |
the residual degrees of freedom. |
rank |
the numeric rank of the fixed-effects part of the fitted model. |
logLik |
the (restricted) log-likelihood of the fitted model. Set to |
converged , niter
for models with iterative estimation methods, logical scalar indicating if the algorithm eventually converged and number or iterations, respectively. |
par |
parameters estimated in the optimization process when using likelihood-based estimators. These correspond to trasformations of entries of the random-effects (co)variance matrix, dependent on chosen |
hessian |
Hessian matrix of the estimated parameters in |
dim |
list with the following components: |
df |
list with the following scalar components: |
lab |
list with the following label vectors: |
S |
a |
call |
the function call. |
formula |
the formula for the fixed-effects part of the model. See |
model |
the model frame used for fitting. Reported if |
terms |
the |
contrasts |
(where relevant) the contrasts used. |
xlevels |
(where relevant) a record of the levels of the factors used in fitting. |
na.action |
(where relevant) information returned by |
method |
the estimation method. |
random |
the formula (or list of formulae for multilevel models) for the random-effects part of the model. See |
bscov |
a string defining the random-effects (co)variance structure in likelihood based models. See |
control |
a list with the values of the control arguments used, as returned by |
A number of methods functions are available for mixmeta
objects, most of them common to other regression functions.
Specifically-written method functions are defined for predict
(standard predictions) and blup
(best linear unbiased predictions). The method function simulate
produces simulated outcomes from a fitted model, while qtest
performs the Cochran Q test for heterogeneity. Other methods have been produced for summary
, logLik
, coef
, and vcov
Specific methods are also available for model.frame
and model.matrix
. In particular, the former produces the model frame (a data frame with special attributes storing the variables used for fitting) with the additional class "data.frame.mixmeta"
. A method terms
is also available for extracting the terms object (only for fixed-effects or full). Methods na.omit
and na.exclude
for this class are useful for the handling of missing values in mixmeta
Printing functions for the objects of classes defined above are also provided. anova
methods for performing tests in mixmeta
objects are in development.
All the methods above are visible (exported from the namespace) and documented. In additions, several default method functions for regression are also applicable to objects of class "mixmeta"
, such as fitted
, residuals
and BIC
, drop1
and add1
, or update
, among others.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]> and Francesco Sera <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
See mixmeta
. See lm
or glm
for standard regression functions. See mixmeta-package
for an overview of this modelling framework.
# RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL)~pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) # INSPECT THE OBJECT names(model) # LABELS model$lab # FORMULA model$formula # CONVERGED? model$converged
# RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL)~pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) # INSPECT THE OBJECT names(model) # LABELS model$lab # FORMULA model$formula # CONVERGED? model$converged
These functions simulate sets of responses (either univariate or multivariate) for a group of units, in terms of their mean (expected) values and within and between-group (co)variances. These sets of outcomes can be used in meta-analytical models for simulation purposes.
mixmetaSim(y, S, Psi, random, data, nsim=1, seed=NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' simulate(object, nsim=1, seed=NULL, ...)
mixmetaSim(y, S, Psi, random, data, nsim=1, seed=NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' simulate(object, nsim=1, seed=NULL, ...)
In order to simulate outcomes for
y |
a |
S |
series of within-unit variances (or (co)variance matrices for multivariate models) of the estimated outcome(s). For the list of accepted format, see the argument with the same name in |
Psi |
the random-effects (co)variance matrix (or a list of matrices for multilevel models) of the outcomes. Dimension must be consistent with the specification of the random-effects structure in |
random |
a one-sided formula (or a list of formulae for multilevel models) offering a symbolic description of the linear predictor(s) and grouping structure for the random-effects part of the model. See the argument with the same name in |
data |
an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by |
nsim |
number of simulation sets. |
seed |
an object specifying if and how the random number generator should be initialized. |
object |
an object of class |
... |
further optional arguments. |
The set(s) of responses can be simulated either from a fitted model, using the method function simulate
for objects of class "mixmeta"
, or directly through the function mixmetaSim
. In the former case, the fitted values from the model are used as mean (expected) outcomes, together with the within-unit and estimated random-effects (co)variance structure. In the latter option, this information need to be provided by the user in the correct dimensions and forms.
Additional arguments can be passed in '...'
. Specifically, arguments Scor
and addSlist
can be added to input missing within-unit error covariances, or to specify more complex within-unit error structures, respectively. Another argument can be checkPD
(logical), that checks the semi-positive definiteness of the matrices). See mixmeta.control
for details.
The functions simulate the responses for each study separately from a marginal multivariate normal distribution with mean equal to the expected values and (co)variance equal to the sum of the within-unit errors and random-effects components. The computation is identical to that implemented in the function mvrnorm
of the package MASS, involving a eigen decomposition of the marginal (co)variance matrix. Numerical negative definiteness is checked, and positive semi-definiteness then forced by truncating the eigenvalues at a value close to zero (see control
If nsim=1
, a matrix or vector of simulated outcomes for the
units. If more simulation sets are required (
higher than 1), a list of matrices or vectors.
Studies with missing values in the fitted values or in the components of the within (co)variances are excluded by simulate
. Missing values are instead not accepted in metaSim
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]> and Francesco Sera <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
See simulate
for the general method function. See inputcov
for inputting correlations. See mixmeta-package
for an overview of the package and modelling framework.
# RUN A MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) # SIMULATE A NEW SET OF OUTCOMES simulate(model) # SIMULATE FROM SCRATCH: 3 OUTCOMES, 8 STUDIES (y <- matrix(0, 8, 3)) (S <- inputcov(matrix(runif(8*3, 0.1, 2), 8, 3, dimnames=list(NULL, c("V1","V2","V3"))), cor=c(0,0.5,0.7))) (Psi <- inputcov(1:3, cor=0.3)) mixmetaSim(y, S, Psi) # 2 SIMULATION SETS mixmetaSim(y, S, Psi, nsim=2)
# RUN A MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) # SIMULATE A NEW SET OF OUTCOMES simulate(model) # SIMULATE FROM SCRATCH: 3 OUTCOMES, 8 STUDIES (y <- matrix(0, 8, 3)) (S <- inputcov(matrix(runif(8*3, 0.1, 2), 8, 3, dimnames=list(NULL, c("V1","V2","V3"))), cor=c(0,0.5,0.7))) (Psi <- inputcov(1:3, cor=0.3)) mixmetaSim(y, S, Psi) # 2 SIMULATION SETS mixmetaSim(y, S, Psi, nsim=2)
These functions implements (restricted) iterative generalized least squares (IGLS and RIGLS) algorithms for (restricted) maximum likelihood estimators for random-effects meta-analytical models. They are meant to be used internally and not directly run by the users.
ml.igls(Psi, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, const, bscov, fix, control) reml.rigls(Psi, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, const, bscov, fix, control) igls.iter(Psi, Qlist, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, bscov, fix, control) rigls.iter(Psi, Qlist, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, bscov, fix, control)
ml.igls(Psi, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, const, bscov, fix, control) reml.rigls(Psi, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, const, bscov, fix, control) igls.iter(Psi, Qlist, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, bscov, fix, control) rigls.iter(Psi, Qlist, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, bscov, fix, control)
Assuming a meta-analysis or meta-regression based on units aggregated within
(outer-level) groups,
fixed-effects predictors, and
random-effects predictors:
Psi |
a matrix (or a list of matrices for multilevel models) representing the initial estimate of the random-effects (co)variance matrix. |
Xlist |
a |
Zlist |
a |
Qlist |
a |
ylist |
a |
Slist |
a |
nalist |
a |
rep |
matrix with |
k , q , nall
number of outcomes, number of random-effects predictors (including the intercept), total number of observations (excluding missing), respectively. While usually all are scalars, in the case of multilevel models |
const |
value of the constant to be included in the (restricted) likelihood, therefore not computed in the iterative algorithms. |
bscov |
a character vector defining the structure of the (co)variance matrix for each level or random effects. See |
fix |
a matrix (or optionally a list of matrices for multilevel models) defining the fixed components of the random-effects part of the model. See |
control |
list of parameters for controlling the fitting process, usually internally set to default values by |
These functions are called internally by the fitting functions mixmeta.ml
and mixmeta.reml
to perform (R)IGLS optimization algorithms for estimating random-effects meta-analytical models.
These estimators are not sensitive to the choice of the starting values, and quickly converge to the vicinity of the (restricted) maximum likelihood. The starting values in Psi
are therefore defined by default as a matrix (or matrices) with a diagonal form and 0.001 variances, or otherwise selected by the user in the control
argument of mixmeta
(see mixmeta.control
The functions ml.igls
and reml.rigls
first produce a design matrix that maps the entries of Psi
, and then call iter.igls
and iter.rigls
, respectively, to obtain updated results at each iteration following a (R)IGLS procedure described in Goldstein and colleagues (1992). Convergence is assessed as (lack of) changes in Psi
. Positive semi-definiteness is forced by setting the negative eigenvalues of the estimated matrix to a value close to 0 at each iteration (see control
The functions ml.igls
and reml.rigls
return an intermediate list object, with components corresponding to the estimated random-effects (co)variance matrix (or list of matrices), its parameters, the maximum (restricted) log-likelihood value, an indicator of convergence, and the number of iterations. These are then re-processed, with other components added later within other functions to finalize an object of class "mixmeta"
(see mixmetaObject
). The functions iter.igls
and iter.rigls
return an updated version of Psi
As stated earlier, these functions are called internally by mixmeta.ml
and mixmeta.reml
, and are not meant to be used directly. In particular, their code does not contain any check on the arguments provided, which are expected in specific formats. They are however exported in the namespace and documented for completeness.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]> and Francesco Sera <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
Goldstein H (1992). Efficient computational procedures for the estimation of parameters in multilevel models based on iterative generalized least squares. Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis. 13(1):63–71.
Goldstein H (1986). Multilevel mixed linear model analysis using iterative generalized least squares. Biometrika. 73(1):43–56.
Goldstein H (1989). Restricted unbiased iterative generalized least-squares estimation. Biometrika. 76(3):622–623.
See mixmeta.fit
and mixmeta.ml
for additional info on the fitting procedures. See mixmeta.control
to determine specific parameters of the fitting procedures. See mixmetaCovStruct
for (co)variance structures.
See mixmeta-package
for an overview of the package and modelling framework.
These functions compute the value of the log-likelihood and the related vectors of first partial derivatives for random-effects meta-analytical models, in terms of model parameters. They are meant to be used internally and not directly run by the users.
ml.loglik.fn(par, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, const, bscov, fix) ml.loglik.gr(par, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, const, bscov, fix) reml.loglik.fn(par, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, const, bscov, fix) reml.loglik.gr(par, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, const, bscov, fix)
ml.loglik.fn(par, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, const, bscov, fix) ml.loglik.gr(par, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, const, bscov, fix) reml.loglik.fn(par, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, const, bscov, fix) reml.loglik.gr(par, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, const, bscov, fix)
Assuming a meta-analysis or meta-regression based on units aggregated within
(outer-level) groups,
fixed-effects predictors, and
random-effects predictors:
par |
a vector representing the random-effects parameters defining the random-effects (co)variance matrix (or multiple matrices for multilevel models). |
Xlist |
a |
Zlist |
a |
ylist |
a |
Slist |
a |
nalist |
a |
rep |
matrix with |
k , q , nall
number of outcomes, number of random-effects predictors (including the intercept), total number of observations (excluding missing), respectively. While usually all are scalars, in the case of multilevel models |
const |
value of the constant to be included in the (restricted) likelihood, therefore not computed in the |
bscov |
a character vector defining the structure of the (co)variance matrix for each level or random effects. See |
fix |
a matrix (or optionally a list of matrices for multilevel models) defining the fixed components of the random-effects part of the model. See |
These functions are called internally by fitting functions, in particular ml.newton
and reml.newton
, to compute the (restricted) log-likelihood and its first partial derivatives in terms of random-effects parameters for meta-analytical models.
These functions actually specify the profiled version of the (restricted) likelihood, expressed only in terms of random-effects parameters, while the estimate of the fixed-effects coefficients is computed at each iteration using a generalized least squares estimator, based on the current value of the between-study (co)variance matrix. At convergence, the value of this profiled version is identical to the full (restricted) likelihood. This approach is computationally efficient, as it reduces the number of parameters in the optimization routine, especially for meta-regression models.
The random-effects parameters in par
depends on the chosen structure(s)
for the random-effects (co)variance matrix (or multiple matrices for multilevel models). The parameterization ensures positive-definiteness. A Cholesky decomposition is then performed on the marginal (co)variance matrix in order to re-express the problem as standard least square equations, an approach which speeds up the computation of matrix inverses and determinants. These equations are finally solved through a QR decomposition, which guarantees stability. More details are provided in the references below.
Some parameters of the fitting procedures are determined through mixmeta.control
. Specifically, the user can obtain the Hessian matrix of the estimated parameters (appropriately transformed, see mixmetaCovStruct
) in the optimization function by setting hessian=TRUE
, and specific settings of the optimization process can be defined by the control list argument optim
. These values are passed to the optimization function optim
and reml.loglik.fn
return the value of the (restricted) log-likelihood for a given set of parameters in par
. ml.loglik.gr
and reml.loglik.gr
return instead the related vector of first partial derivatives.
As stated earlier, these functions are called internally by mixmeta.ml
and mixmeta.reml
, and are not meant to be used directly. In particular, their code does not contain any check on the arguments provided, which are expected in specific formats. They are however exported in the namespace and documented for completeness.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]> and Francesco Sera <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
Lindstrom MJ and Bates DM (1988). Newton-Raphson and EM algorithms for linear mixed-effects models for repeated-measures data. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 83(404):1014–1022.
Harville DA (1977) Maximum likelihood approaches to variance component estimation and to related problems. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 72(358):320–338.
Pinheiro JC and Bates DM (2000). Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS. New York, Springer Verlag.
See mixmeta.fit
and mixmeta.ml
for additional info on the fitting procedures. See mixmeta.control
to determine specific parameters of the fitting procedures. See mixmetaCovStruct
for (co)variance structures. See chol
and qr
for info on the Cholesky and QR decomposition.
See mixmeta-package
for an overview of the package and modelling framework.
These functions implement quasi-Newton iterative algorithms for (restricted) maximum likelihood estimators for random-effects meta-analytical models. They are meant to be used internally and not directly run by the users.
ml.newton(Psi, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, const, bscov, fix, control) reml.newton(Psi, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, const, bscov, fix, control)
ml.newton(Psi, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, const, bscov, fix, control) reml.newton(Psi, Xlist, Zlist, ylist, Slist, nalist, rep, k, q, nall, const, bscov, fix, control)
Assuming a meta-analysis or meta-regression based on units aggregated within
(outer-level) groups,
fixed-effects predictors, and
random-effects predictors:
Psi |
a matrix (or a list of matrices for multilevel models) representing the initial estimate of the random-effects (co)variance matrix. |
Xlist |
a |
Zlist |
a |
ylist |
a |
Slist |
a |
nalist |
a |
rep |
matrix with |
k , q , nall
number of outcomes, number of random-effects predictors (including the intercept), total number of observations (excluding missing), respectively. While usually all are scalars, in the case of multilevel models |
const |
value of the constant to be included in the (restricted) likelihood, therefore not computed in the iterative algorithms. |
bscov |
a character vector defining the structure of the (co)variance matrix for each level or random effects. See |
fix |
a matrix (or optionally a list of matrices for multilevel models) defining the fixed components of the random-effects part of the model. See |
control |
list of parameters for controlling the fitting process, usually internally set to default values by |
These functions are called internally by the fitting functions mixmeta.ml
and mixmeta.reml
to perform quasi-Newton iterative optimization algorithms for estimating random-effects meta-analytical models.
Starting values for the iterations are defined by Psi
, representing a random-effects (co)variance matrix (or a list of matrices for multilevel models). In the default hybrid procedure (see mixmeta.ml
), these are provided using few iterations of a (R)IGLS
algorithm. If a full quasi-Newton method is used, the starting values are instead defined by default as a matrix (or matrices) with a diagonal form and 0.001 variances, or otherwise selected by the user in the control
argument of mixmeta
(see mixmeta.control
The functions first re-define Psi
as a set of random-effects parameters, depending on the chosen structure(s)
, using parameterizations that ensure the positive-definiteness of the estimated matrix (or matrices). Then, the function optim
with method="BFGS"
is called internally to perform the quasi-Newton optimization, using specific likelihood functions
that compute the value of the (restricted) likelihood and (optionally) the vector of its first partial derivatives. The latter are used only in the case of basic random-effects structures, or otherwise the derivatives are computed numerically.
Some parameters of the optimization procedures are determined through mixmeta.control
. Specifically, the user can obtain the Hessian matrix of the estimated parameters (appropriately transformed, see mixmetaCovStruct
) in the optimization function by setting hessian=TRUE
, and specific settings of the optimization process can be defined by the control list argument optim
. These values are passed to the optimization function optim
These functions return an intermediate list object, with components corresponding to the estimated random-effects (co)variance matrix (or list of matrices), the maximum (restricted) log-likelihood value, an indicator of convergence, the number of iterations, and optionally the Hessian matrix. These are then re-processed, with other components added later within other functions to finalize an object of class "mixmeta"
. See mixmetaObject
As stated earlier, these functions are called internally by mixmeta.ml
and mixmeta.reml
, and are not meant to be used directly. In particular, their code does not contain any check on the arguments provided, which are expected in specific formats. They are however exported in the namespace and documented for completeness.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]> and Francesco Sera <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
Lindstrom MJ and Bates DM (1988). Newton-Raphson and EM algorithms for linear mixed-effects models for repeated-measures data. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 83(404):1014–1022.
Harville DA (1977) Maximum likelihood approaches to variance component estimation and to related problems. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 72(358):320–338.
Pinheiro JC and Bates DM (2000). Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS. New York, Springer Verlag.
See mixmeta.fit
and mixmeta.ml
for additional info on the fitting procedures. See mixmeta.control
to determine specific parameters of the fitting procedures. See mixmetaCovStruct
for (co)variance structures. See chol
and qr
for info on the Cholesky and QR decomposition.
See mixmeta-package
for an overview of the package and modelling framework.
These method functions return the model frame and design matrix for meta-analytical models represented in objects of class "mixmeta"
## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' model.frame(formula, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' model.matrix(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' model.frame(formula, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' model.matrix(object, ...)
object , formula
an object of class |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. |
The model frame is produced by mixmeta
when fitting the meta-analytical model, and stored in the mixmeta
object if argument model=TRUE
. Alternatively, the model frame is directly returned from a call to mixmeta
with argument method="model.frame"
. The method function model.frame
simply extracts the saved model frame if available, or otherwise evaluates a call to mixmeta
when method="model.frame"
The method function model.matrix
extracts the design matrix for the fixed-effects part of a fitted meta-analytical model. It first extract the model frame by calling model.frame
, and then passes the call to the default method.
Note that the model frame of mixmeta
models consist of terms for both the fixed and random-effects parts, the latter including also the grouping factors. This information can be used to reconstruct the proper model frame or matrix for each part.
These methods functions are similar to those provided for regression objects lm
and lm
For model.frame
, a data.frame with special attributes (see the default method model.frame
) and the additional class "data.frame.mixmeta"
For model.matrix
, the design matrix used to fit the model.
The reason why these specific method functions are made available for class mixmeta
, and in particular why a new class "data.frame.mixmeta"
has been defined for model frames, lies in the special handling of missing values in multivariate meta-analysis models fitted with mixmeta
. Methods na.omit
and na.exclude
for class "data.frame.mixmeta"
are useful for properly accounting for missing values when fitting these models.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]>
See the default methods model.frame
and model.matrix
. See na.omit
and na.exclude
on the handling of missing values. See mixmeta-package
for an overview of the package and modelling framework.
# RUN THE MODEL AND SUMMARIZE THE RESULTS model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="ml") # MODEL FRAME model$model model.frame(model) update(model, method="model.frame") class(model.frame(model)) # MODEL MATRIX model.matrix(model)
# RUN THE MODEL AND SUMMARIZE THE RESULTS model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98, method="ml") # MODEL FRAME model$model model.frame(model) update(model, method="model.frame") class(model.frame(model)) # MODEL MATRIX model.matrix(model)
These method functions exclude rows corresponding to units with invalid missing pattern from model frames of class "data.frame.mixmeta"
. This guarantees the correct handling of missing values while fitting meta-analytical models.
## S3 method for class 'data.frame.mixmeta' na.omit(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame.mixmeta' na.exclude(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'data.frame.mixmeta' na.omit(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame.mixmeta' na.exclude(object, ...)
object |
an object of class |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. |
A model frame of class "data.frame.mixmeta"
is produced by mixmeta
. A call to na.omit
or na.exclude
removes from the model frame the rows corresponding to studies with invalid missing pattern. In addition, a na.action
attribute is added to the model frame, namely a numeric vector corresponding to the removed rows and class "omit"
or "exclude"
, respectively. This information is used by naresid
and napredict
to deal with missing values in functions such as fitted
, residuals
, predict
and blup
, among others.
The definition of missing, identifying an invalid missing pattern, is different in meta-analytical models performed through mixmeta
if compared to other regression functions such as lm
or glm
, in particular for the multivariate case. Specifically, while a unit is removed if at least an observation for one predictor is missing, partially missing outcomes do not prevent the unit to contribute to estimation (see mixmeta
). Specific methods na.omit
and na.exclude
for class "data.frame.mixmeta"
allow this different definition.
These functions returns the model frame object
with rows corresponding to units with invalid missing pattern being removed. They also add the related na.action
attribute as explained above.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]>
See na.action
, naresid
and napredict
. See model.frame
See mixmeta-package
for an overview of the package and modelling framework.
# INPUT MISSING VALUES IN PREDICTOR AND ONE RESPONSE data <- berkey98 data[2,1] <- data[4,3] <- NA data # RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=data[5:7], data=data, method="ml") # SUMMARIZE: NOTE THE NUMBER OF STUDIES AND OBSERVATIONS summary(model) df.residual(model) # EXTRACT THE MODEL FRAME WITH na.pass model.frame(model, na.action="na.pass") # EXTRACT THE MODEL FRAME WITH na.omit (DEFAULT) model.frame(model, na.action="na.omit") # COMPARE WITH DEFAULT METHOD FOR na.omit frame <- model.frame(model, na.action="na.pass") na.omit(frame) class(frame) class(frame) <- "data.frame" na.omit(frame) # WITH na.exclude residuals(model) residuals(update(model, na.action="na.exclude"))
# INPUT MISSING VALUES IN PREDICTOR AND ONE RESPONSE data <- berkey98 data[2,1] <- data[4,3] <- NA data # RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=data[5:7], data=data, method="ml") # SUMMARIZE: NOTE THE NUMBER OF STUDIES AND OBSERVATIONS summary(model) df.residual(model) # EXTRACT THE MODEL FRAME WITH na.pass model.frame(model, na.action="na.pass") # EXTRACT THE MODEL FRAME WITH na.omit (DEFAULT) model.frame(model, na.action="na.omit") # COMPARE WITH DEFAULT METHOD FOR na.omit frame <- model.frame(model, na.action="na.pass") na.omit(frame) class(frame) class(frame) <- "data.frame" na.omit(frame) # WITH na.exclude residuals(model) residuals(update(model, na.action="na.exclude"))
The dataset includes studies providing evidence about whether the presence of mutant p53 tumour suppressor gene is a prognostic factor for patients presenting with squamous cell carcinoma arising from the oropharynx cavity. Unadjusted estimates of log hazard ratios of mutant p53 to normal p53 for disease-free and overall survival, together with the associated variances, are collected from 6 observational studies.
A data frame with 6 observations on the following 5 variables:
: study ID.
y1, V1
: estimate and associated variance of the log hazard ratio for disease-free survival.
y2, V2
: estimate and associated variance of the log hazard ratio for overall survival.
Only 3 studies provide estimates for disease-free survival. The within-study correlations are not reported in the original studies but are expected to be highly positively correlated. The original data are described in Tandon and colleagues (2010) and used as an example by Jackson and colleagues (2011).
The data provide an example of application of multivariate meta-analysis when the within-study correlations are not known. These correlations can be inputted directly in the mixmeta
function through the control
argument. See mixmeta.control
for details.
Jackson D, Riley R, White IR (2011). Multivariate meta-analysis: Potential and promise. Statistics in Medicine. 30(20);2481–2498.
Tandon S, Tudur-Smith C, Riley RD, et al. (2010). A systematic review of p53 as a prognostic factor of survival in squamous cell carcinoma of the four main anatomical subsites of the head and neck. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. 19(2):574–587.
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS OF EXAMPLE 3 IN JACKSON ET AL. (2011) # INSPECT THE DATA p53 # REML MODEL WITH INPUTTED CORRELATION EQUAL TO 0.95 model <- mixmeta(cbind(y1,y2), cbind(V1,V2), data=p53, control=list(Scor=0.95)) print(summary(model), digits=2)
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS OF EXAMPLE 3 IN JACKSON ET AL. (2011) # INSPECT THE DATA p53 # REML MODEL WITH INPUTTED CORRELATION EQUAL TO 0.95 model <- mixmeta(cbind(y1,y2), cbind(V1,V2), data=p53, control=list(Scor=0.95)) print(summary(model), digits=2)
This method function computes predictions from fitted univariate or multivariate meta-analytical models represented in objects of class "mixmeta"
, optionally for a new set of predictor values in meta-regression models. Predictions are optionally accompanied by standard errors, confidence intervals or the entire (co)variance matrix of the predicted outcomes.
## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' predict(object, newdata, se=FALSE, ci=FALSE, vcov=FALSE, ci.level=0.95, format, aggregate="stat", na.action=na.pass, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' predict(object, newdata, se=FALSE, ci=FALSE, vcov=FALSE, ci.level=0.95, format, aggregate="stat", na.action=na.pass, ...)
object |
an object of class |
newdata |
An optional data frame in which to look for variables values with which to predict from meta-regression models. |
se |
logical switch indicating if standard errors must be included. |
ci |
logical switch indicating if confidence intervals must be included. |
vcov |
logical switch indicating if the (co)variance matrix must be included. |
ci.level |
a numerical value between 0 and 1, specifying the confidence level for the computation of confidence intervals. |
format |
the format for the returned results. See Value. |
aggregate |
when |
na.action |
a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. |
The method function predict
produces predicted values from mixmeta
objects, obtained by evaluating the original call to mixmeta
in the frame newdata
. For both fixed and random-effects models, estimated predictions are only based on the fixed part of the model, ignoring study-specific deviations, differently from blup
If newdata
is omitted, the predictions are based on the data used for the fit. In that case how to handle predictions for units removed from estimation due to invalid missing pattern is determined by the na.action
argument used in mixmeta
to produce object
. If na.action=na.omit
, units excluded from estimation will not appear, whereas if na.action=na.exclude
they will appear, with values set to NA
for all the outcomes. This step is performed by napredict
. See Notes.
The results may be aggregated in matrices (the default), or returned as lists, depending on the argument format
. For multivariate models, the aggregation is ruled by the argument aggregate
, and the results may be grouped by statistic or by outcome. If vcov=TRUE
, lists are always returned.
The definition of missing in model frames used for estimation in mixmeta
is different than that commonly adopted in other regression models such as lm
or glm
. See info on missing values
in mixmeta
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]> and Francesco Sera <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
See blup
for best linear unbiased predictions. See the default method predict
. See mixmeta-package
for an overview of the package and modelling framework.
# RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) # PREDICTED FROM YEAR 1985 TO 1987, WITH LABELS newdata <- data.frame(pubyear=1985:1987, row.names=1985:1987) # AVERAGED OUTOCOMES AND SE predict(model, newdata, se=TRUE) # SAME AS ABOVE, AGGREGATED BY OUTCOME predict(model, newdata, se=TRUE, aggregate="outcome") # WITH VCOV, FORCED TO A LIST predict(model, newdata, se=TRUE, vcov=TRUE, aggregate="outcome")
# RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) # PREDICTED FROM YEAR 1985 TO 1987, WITH LABELS newdata <- data.frame(pubyear=1985:1987, row.names=1985:1987) # AVERAGED OUTOCOMES AND SE predict(model, newdata, se=TRUE) # SAME AS ABOVE, AGGREGATED BY OUTCOME predict(model, newdata, se=TRUE, aggregate="outcome") # WITH VCOV, FORCED TO A LIST predict(model, newdata, se=TRUE, vcov=TRUE, aggregate="outcome")
This is a generic function to perform a Cochran Q test of (residual) heterogeneity. The function invokes particular methods
which depend on the class
of the first argument. Currently, specific methods exist for several meta-analytical models in various packages: qtest.mixmeta
, qtest.mvmeta
, and qtest.dosresmeta
qtest(object, ...)
qtest(object, ...)
object |
an object for which the test is desired |
... |
further arguments passed to specific methods. |
The test assesses the null hypothesis that the variability in the distribution of the outcomes is explained only in terms of within-unit estimation errors. This corresponds to a test on the hypotesis that there is no variation attributable to random-effects terms.
Returned values depend on the specific class. Usually, the results of the test.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]>
Cochran WG (1950). The comparison of percentages in matched samples". Biometrika. 37(3/4):256–266.
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
Specific methods for various classes: qtest.mixmeta
, qtest.mvmeta
, and qtest.dosresmeta
This method function performs a Cochran Q test of (residual) heterogeneity on fitted meta-analytical models represented in objects of class "mixmeta"
## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' qtest(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'qtest.mixmeta' print(x, digits=3, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' qtest(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'qtest.mixmeta' print(x, digits=3, ...)
object , x
objects of classes |
digits |
an integer specifying the number of digits to which printed results must be rounded. |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. |
The test assesses the null hypothesis that the variability in the distribution of the outcomes is explained only in terms of estimation error in each unit, measured by the within-unit (co)variance matrices stored in the component S
of mixmeta
objects. This is equal to test the hypothesis that the random-effects (co)variance matrix (or all matrices in multilevel models) is a zero matrix, and there is no random deviation in unit-specific estimates. For multivariate models, tests for single outcome parameters, comparable to estimates from multiple univariate meta-analysis, are also reported. This test reduces to the standard Q test in univariate single-level models.
The function compute the statistics by actually fitting the related fixed-effects model, re-evaluating the call of the model with method
changed to "fixed"
A list object of class "qtest.mixmeta"
with the following components:
Q |
the vector of test statistics for overall and outcome-specific tests, distributed under the null hypothesis as a Chi-square with degrees of freedom |
df |
the vector of degrees of freedom of the null distribution for overall and outcome-specific tests. For the overall test, equal to the number of observations used for estimation minus the number of coefficients in the fixed part of the model. For outcome-specific test, equal to number of observed values minus the number of coefficients. |
pvalue |
the vector of p-values for overall and outcome-specific tests. |
residual |
logical switch indicating if a meta-regression model is assessed, meaning that the tested heterogeneity is residual. |
k |
dimensionality of the overall test, that is the number of outcome parameters in the model. |
As usual, the print
method function for class "qtest.mixmeta"
does not return any value.
In multivariate models, tests on single outcome parameters are performed by extracting the related estimates and variances, but they do not account for the correlation between them, which nevertheless has been considered in estimation. These tests are not therefore comparable with those performed by running a univariate model on each outcome parameter.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]> and Francesco Sera <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
Cochran WG (1950). The comparison of percentages in matched samples". Biometrika. 37(3/4):256–266.
See qtest
for the generic method function. See mixmeta-package
for an overview of the package and modelling framework.
# RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ 1, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) # MULTIVARIATE COCHRAN Q TEST FOR HETEROGENEITY test <- qtest(model) print(test, digits=2) unclass(test)
# RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ 1, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) # MULTIVARIATE COCHRAN Q TEST FOR HETEROGENEITY test <- qtest(model) print(test, digits=2) unclass(test)
The dataset contains the results of 56 studies that evaluate the effect of a modified school calendar on student achievement. The studies assessed students from grade 1 to 9 and reported standardized reading achievement differences between schools that follow a year-round versus the traditional nine-month calendar. The studies were performed in separate school districts, with at least three studies in each district.
A data frame with 56 observations on the following 5 variables:
district, study
: numbers identifying the school district and study, respectively.
: estimated standardized effect, reported as difference in reading achievement expressed in standard deviation units.
: within-study variance of the estimated effects.
: year when the study was performed.
The data provide an example of application of multilevel meta-analysis with multiple nested random-effects levels, where effect sizes are correlated between studies within school district. This more complex correlation structure is modelled by two levels of random effects. Results can be compared with the so-called three-level model in Kostantopoulos (2011), that is defined as a two-level meta-analysis here.
Kostantopoulos S (2011). Fixed effects and variance components estimation in three-level meta-analysis. Research Synthesis Methods. 2(1):61–76.
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN KOSTANTOPOULOS (2011), TABLES 4 AND 5 # STANDARD META-ANALYSIS (NB: random NOT STRICTLY NEEDED HERE) mod1 <- mixmeta(effect, var, random= ~ 1|study, data=school, method="ml") print(summary(mod1), digits=3, report="var") # STANDARD META-REGRESSION yearcen <- school$year - mean(school$year) mod2 <- mixmeta(effect ~ yearcen, var, random= ~ 1|study, data=school, method="ml") print(summary(mod2), digits=3, report="var") # TWO-LEVEL META-ANALYSIS mod3 <- mixmeta(effect, var, random= ~ 1|district/study, data=school, method="ml") print(summary(mod3), digits=3, report="var") # TWO-LEVEL META-REGRESSION yearcen2 <- with(school, year - mean(tapply(year, district, mean))) mod4 <- mixmeta(effect ~ yearcen2, var, random= ~ 1|district/study, data=school, method="ml") print(summary(mod4), digits=3, report="var") ### SEE help(thrombolytic) FOR A COMPLEMENTARY EXAMPLE
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN KOSTANTOPOULOS (2011), TABLES 4 AND 5 # STANDARD META-ANALYSIS (NB: random NOT STRICTLY NEEDED HERE) mod1 <- mixmeta(effect, var, random= ~ 1|study, data=school, method="ml") print(summary(mod1), digits=3, report="var") # STANDARD META-REGRESSION yearcen <- school$year - mean(school$year) mod2 <- mixmeta(effect ~ yearcen, var, random= ~ 1|study, data=school, method="ml") print(summary(mod2), digits=3, report="var") # TWO-LEVEL META-ANALYSIS mod3 <- mixmeta(effect, var, random= ~ 1|district/study, data=school, method="ml") print(summary(mod3), digits=3, report="var") # TWO-LEVEL META-REGRESSION yearcen2 <- with(school, year - mean(tapply(year, district, mean))) mod4 <- mixmeta(effect ~ yearcen2, var, random= ~ 1|district/study, data=school, method="ml") print(summary(mod4), digits=3, report="var") ### SEE help(thrombolytic) FOR A COMPLEMENTARY EXAMPLE
The dataset contains the results of 24 trials comparing four alternative interventions to promote smoking cessation. The trials have different designs, comparing two or three different interventions. The data consist of the number of successes out of the total participants, and the estimated log-odds ratio for arms B (self-help), C (individual counselling), and D (group counselling) relative to arm A (no contact), as well as the (co)variance matrix of these three estimates.
A data frame with 24 observations on the following 19 variables:
: study ID.
: design of the trial, reporting the interventions being compared.
dA, dB, dC, dD
: number of successes for each intervention.
nA, nB, nC, nD
: number of participants for each intervention.
yB, yC, yD
: estimated log-odds ratios for interventions B, C and D versus intervention A.
: variances and co-variances of the estimated log-odds ratios for interventions B, C and D versus intervention A. The order corresponds to the lower triangular elements of the (co)variance matrix taken by column.
Intervention A is chosen as the reference category. Trials without an arm A (trials 2 and 21-24) are augmented with an arm A with 0.01 individuals and 0.001 successes. Trials containing zero cells (trials 9 and 20) have 1 individual with 0.5 successes added to each intervention. Details on the data augmentation and estimation of (co)variances of the log-odds ratios are provided by White (2011).
The data provide an example of application of network meta-analysis, also referred to as indirect mixed-treatment comparison. Additional information using examples based on these data are provided by Lu and Ades (2006), White (2011) and Higgins and colleagues (2012).
Lu G and Ades AE (2006). Assessing evidence inconsistency in mixed treatment comparisons. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 101:447–459.
Higgins JPT, et al. (2012). Consistency and inconsistency in network meta-analysis: concepts and models for multi-arm studies. Research Synthesis Methods. 3(2):98–110.
White IR (2011). Multivariate random-effects meta-regression. The Stata Journal. 11:255–270.
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN WHITE (2011) # INSPECT THE DATA head(smoking) names(smoking) # CONSISTENCY MODEL, UNSTRUCTURED BETWEEN-STUDY (CO)VARIANCE y <- as.matrix(smoking[11:13]) S <- as.matrix(smoking[14:19]) mod1 <- mixmeta(y, S) summary(mod1) # CONSISTENCY MODEL, STRUCTURED BETWEEN-STUDY (CO)VARIANCE (PROPORTIONAL) mod2 <- mixmeta(y, S, bscov="prop", control=list(Psifix=diag(3)+1)) summary(mod2) # TRANSFORM IN LONG FORMAT, WITH S AS LIST (EXCLUDING MISSING) long <- na.omit(reshape(smoking[,c(1,2,11:13)], varying=list(3:5), idvar="study", v.names="y", timevar="outcome", times=colnames(y), direction="long")) Slist <- lapply(lapply(seq(nrow(S)), function(i) xpndMat(S[i,])), function(x) x[!is.na(diag(x)), !is.na(diag(x)), drop=FALSE]) # THE MODELS ABOVE CAN BE REPLICATED IN THE LONG FORMAT mod2b <- mixmeta(y ~ 0 + factor(outcome), random= ~ 0 + factor(outcome)|study, data=long, bscov="prop", control=list(addS=Slist, Psifix=diag(3)+1)) summary(mod2b) # DEFINE AND ADD INDICATORS FOR OUTCOME AND DESIGN dummy <- cbind(model.matrix(~0+outcome, long), model.matrix(~0+design, long)) colnames(dummy) <- c(levels(factor(long$outcome)), levels(long$design)) long <- cbind(long, data.frame(dummy)) # INCONSISTENCY MODEL (SPECIAL PARAMETERIZATION OF OUTCOME-BY-DESIGN INTERACTION) formula <- y ~ 0 + yB + yC + yC:acd + yC:bc + yC:bcd + yD + yD:acd + yD:bcd + yD:bd + yD:cd mod3 <- update(mod2b, formula=formula) summary(mod3)
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN WHITE (2011) # INSPECT THE DATA head(smoking) names(smoking) # CONSISTENCY MODEL, UNSTRUCTURED BETWEEN-STUDY (CO)VARIANCE y <- as.matrix(smoking[11:13]) S <- as.matrix(smoking[14:19]) mod1 <- mixmeta(y, S) summary(mod1) # CONSISTENCY MODEL, STRUCTURED BETWEEN-STUDY (CO)VARIANCE (PROPORTIONAL) mod2 <- mixmeta(y, S, bscov="prop", control=list(Psifix=diag(3)+1)) summary(mod2) # TRANSFORM IN LONG FORMAT, WITH S AS LIST (EXCLUDING MISSING) long <- na.omit(reshape(smoking[,c(1,2,11:13)], varying=list(3:5), idvar="study", v.names="y", timevar="outcome", times=colnames(y), direction="long")) Slist <- lapply(lapply(seq(nrow(S)), function(i) xpndMat(S[i,])), function(x) x[!is.na(diag(x)), !is.na(diag(x)), drop=FALSE]) # THE MODELS ABOVE CAN BE REPLICATED IN THE LONG FORMAT mod2b <- mixmeta(y ~ 0 + factor(outcome), random= ~ 0 + factor(outcome)|study, data=long, bscov="prop", control=list(addS=Slist, Psifix=diag(3)+1)) summary(mod2b) # DEFINE AND ADD INDICATORS FOR OUTCOME AND DESIGN dummy <- cbind(model.matrix(~0+outcome, long), model.matrix(~0+design, long)) colnames(dummy) <- c(levels(factor(long$outcome)), levels(long$design)) long <- cbind(long, data.frame(dummy)) # INCONSISTENCY MODEL (SPECIAL PARAMETERIZATION OF OUTCOME-BY-DESIGN INTERACTION) formula <- y ~ 0 + yB + yC + yC:acd + yC:bc + yC:bcd + yD + yD:acd + yD:bcd + yD:bd + yD:cd mod3 <- update(mod2b, formula=formula) summary(mod3)
Print and summary method functions for fitted meta-analytical models represented in objects of class "mixmeta"
## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' summary(object, ci.level=0.95, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.mixmeta' print(x, digits=4, report=c("sd","var"), ...) ## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' print(x, digits=4, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' summary(object, ci.level=0.95, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.mixmeta' print(x, digits=4, report=c("sd","var"), ...) ## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' print(x, digits=4, ...)
object |
an object of class |
x |
an object of class |
ci.level |
a numerical value between 0 and 1, specifying the confidence level for the computation of confidence intervals. |
digits |
an integer specifying the number of digits to which printed results must be rounded. |
report |
if standard deviations ( |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. |
The print
method function for class "mixmeta"
only returns basic information on the fitted model, namely the call, estimated fixed-effects coefficients, dimensions and fit statistics (log-likelihood, AIC, BIC).
The summary
method function computes additional statistics and tests, and produces a list object of class "summary.mixmeta"
. The print
method function for this class shows additional information, such as tables reporting the estimates for the fixed and random-effects parts of the model, Cochran Q test for heterogeneity and I-squared.
The summary
method function for mixmeta
objects produces a list of class "summary.mixmeta"
. The components of the lists are some of those stored in the related mixmeta
object, plus the following:
coefficients |
a matrix reporting point estimates, standard errors, z statistics and related p-values of the test, and confidence intervals for the |
the value of the Akaike information criterion for the fitted |
the value of the Bayesian information criterion for the fitted |
corFixed |
the |
corRandom |
the |
qstat |
results from the Cochran Q test for heterogeneity, namely a list corresponding to a |
i2stat |
I-squared statistic for the meta-analytical model. |
ci.level |
the confidence level used for defining the confidence intervals for the estimates of the fixed-effects coefficients. |
As usual, the print
method functions for classes "mixmeta"
and "summary.mixmeta"
do not return any value.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]> and Francesco Sera <[email protected]>
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
See mixmeta
and mixmetaObject
# RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) # SIMPLE PRINT model # DEFINE DIGITS print(model, digit=2) # SUMMARY WITH 80TH CONFIDENCE INTERVALS summary(model, ci.level=0.80) # REPORT RANDOM EFFECTS IN TERMS OF VARIANCES (USE print) print(summary(model), report="var")
# RUN THE MODEL model <- mixmeta(cbind(PD,AL) ~ pubyear, S=berkey98[5:7], data=berkey98) # SIMPLE PRINT model # DEFINE DIGITS print(model, digit=2) # SUMMARY WITH 80TH CONFIDENCE INTERVALS summary(model, ci.level=0.80) # REPORT RANDOM EFFECTS IN TERMS OF VARIANCES (USE print) print(summary(model), report="var")
These method function returns the terms object that defines meta-analytical models represented in objects of class "mixmeta"
## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' terms(x, type="fixed", ...)
## S3 method for class 'mixmeta' terms(x, type="fixed", ...)
x |
an object of class |
type |
the type of terms. Either |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. |
The terms
object is produced by mixmeta
when fitting the meta-analytical model, and stored as an attribute of the model.frame
. Note that this object consists of terms for both the fixed and random-effects parts, the latter including also the grouping factors.
By using the default type="fixed"
, this method function removes the random-effects terms. This can then be used, for instance, for creating the model.matrix
for the fixed effects. Otherwise with type="full"
, the full set of terms is returned.
An object of class c("terms","formula")
which contains the terms representation of a symbolic meta-analytical model. See terms.object
for its structure.
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]>
See the methods model.frame
and model.matrix
# RUN A MODEL model <- mixmeta(effect, var, random= ~ 1|district/study, data=school) # TERMS (FIXED AND FULL) terms(model) terms(model, "full") attr(model.frame(model), "terms")
# RUN A MODEL model <- mixmeta(effect, var, random= ~ 1|district/study, data=school) # TERMS (FIXED AND FULL) terms(model) terms(model, "full") attr(model.frame(model), "terms")
The dataset contains the data on 20 randomized trials of thrombolytic therapy, which evaluated effect on short-term mortality after a myocardial infarction (up to 35 days) in 50,246 patients in relation to treatment delay. The hypothesis is that the thrombolytic therapy reduces the mortality risk following the myocardial infarction, and that the benefit is particularly substantial for very early treatment. Some of the trials report separate results according to treatment delay, generating 38 observations from full trials or subgroups of trials. Effect sizes were reported as absolute risk reduction computed as the difference between treated and control groups in each trial or subgroup.
A data frame with 38 observations on the following 10 variables:
: label identifying the trial.
: treatment delay after the onset of the symptoms of a myocardial infaction, reported in hours.
dtreat, ntreat
: number of deaths and total patients in the treated group, respectively.
dcontr, ncontr
: number of deaths and total patients in the control group, respectively.
risktreat, riskcontr
: risk of death in the treatment and control groups, respectively.
: absolute risk difference of death between the treatment and control groups. See Details.
: variance of the absolute risk difference. See Details.
The absolute risk is simply the difference in risk, which is computed empirically as ratio of the number of deaths and the number of total patients in treated and control groups ( and
, respectively). The variance of the absolute risk difference is computed as
. See Thompson and colleagues (2001) for details.
The data provide an example of application of multilevel meta-analysis with repeated observations in an inner level within an outer level, corresponding here to treatment subgroups within each trial. This more complex correlation structure is modelled by two levels of random effects, including meta-predictors that can explain part of the heterogeneity at each level. Results can be compared with those reported by Thompson and colleagues (2001).
Thompson SG, Turner RM, Warn DE (2001). Multilevel models for meta-analysis, and their application to absolute risk differences. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 10(6):375–392.
Sera F, Armstrong B, Blangiardo M, Gasparrini A (2019). An extended mixed-effects framework for meta-analysis.Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(29):5429-5444. [Freely available here].
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN THOMPSON ET AL (2001), TABLES 2, 3, AND 4 # STANDARD FIXED-EFFECTS META-ANALYSIS mod1 <- mixmeta(absrisk, var, data=thrombolytic, method="fixed") print(summary(mod1), digits=5) # STANDARD RANDOM-EFFECTS META-ANALYSIS subtrial <- seq(nrow(thrombolytic)) mod2 <- mixmeta(absrisk, var, random= ~ 1|subtrial, data=thrombolytic) print(summary(mod2), digits=5) # TWO-LEVEL RANDOM-EFFECTS META-ANALYSIS mod3 <- mixmeta(absrisk, var, random= ~ 1|trial/subtrial, data=thrombolytic) print(summary(mod3), digits=5) # TWO-LEVEL RANDOM-EFFECTS META-REGRESSION mod4 <- mixmeta(absrisk~time2treat, var, random= ~ 1|trial/subtrial, data=thrombolytic) print(summary(mod4), digits=5) # TWO-LEVEL RANDOM-EFFECTS META-REGRESSION WITH NON-LINEAR TERM mod5 <- mixmeta(absrisk ~ time2treat + I(1/time2treat), var, random= ~ 1|trial/subtrial, data=thrombolytic) print(summary(mod5), digits=5) ### SEE help(school) FOR A COMPLEMENTARY EXAMPLE
### REPRODUCE THE RESULTS IN THOMPSON ET AL (2001), TABLES 2, 3, AND 4 # STANDARD FIXED-EFFECTS META-ANALYSIS mod1 <- mixmeta(absrisk, var, data=thrombolytic, method="fixed") print(summary(mod1), digits=5) # STANDARD RANDOM-EFFECTS META-ANALYSIS subtrial <- seq(nrow(thrombolytic)) mod2 <- mixmeta(absrisk, var, random= ~ 1|subtrial, data=thrombolytic) print(summary(mod2), digits=5) # TWO-LEVEL RANDOM-EFFECTS META-ANALYSIS mod3 <- mixmeta(absrisk, var, random= ~ 1|trial/subtrial, data=thrombolytic) print(summary(mod3), digits=5) # TWO-LEVEL RANDOM-EFFECTS META-REGRESSION mod4 <- mixmeta(absrisk~time2treat, var, random= ~ 1|trial/subtrial, data=thrombolytic) print(summary(mod4), digits=5) # TWO-LEVEL RANDOM-EFFECTS META-REGRESSION WITH NON-LINEAR TERM mod5 <- mixmeta(absrisk ~ time2treat + I(1/time2treat), var, random= ~ 1|trial/subtrial, data=thrombolytic) print(summary(mod5), digits=5) ### SEE help(school) FOR A COMPLEMENTARY EXAMPLE
The function vechMat
transforms a symmetric matrix in a vector containing its lower triangular elements, taken by column. The function xpndMat
reverses this transformation.
vechMat(mat, diag=TRUE) xpndMat(vech)
vechMat(mat, diag=TRUE) xpndMat(vech)
mat |
a square matrix. |
vech |
a vector. |
diag |
a logical switch indicating if the diagonal entries must be included. |
A vector for vechMat
, a symmetric matrix for xnpdMat
Antonio Gasparrini <[email protected]>
See functions vech
and xpnd
in package MCMCpack.
# GENERATE A POSITIVE-DEFINITE MATRIX, VECTORIZE IT AND THEN RE-EXPAND (M <- crossprod(matrix(rnorm(9),3))) (v <- vechMat(M)) xpndMat(v) # EXTRACT VECTORIZED S, EXPAND TO A LIST, AND RE-VECTORIZE (S <- as.matrix(berkey98[5:7])) (Slist <- lapply(seq(nrow(S)), function(i) xpndMat(S[i,]))) t(sapply(Slist,vechMat))
# GENERATE A POSITIVE-DEFINITE MATRIX, VECTORIZE IT AND THEN RE-EXPAND (M <- crossprod(matrix(rnorm(9),3))) (v <- vechMat(M)) xpndMat(v) # EXTRACT VECTORIZED S, EXPAND TO A LIST, AND RE-VECTORIZE (S <- as.matrix(berkey98[5:7])) (Slist <- lapply(seq(nrow(S)), function(i) xpndMat(S[i,]))) t(sapply(Slist,vechMat))